Westworld Wiki

We each deserve to choose our fate. Even if that fate is death.

–Akane to Maeve about her decision to stay at the Snow Lake, in "Phase Space"

Akane is a character in HBO's Westworld. She is played by the actor Rinko Kikuchi.



Akane was created by Lee Sizemore as a Shōgunworld's counterpart to Maeve Millay. Sizemore claims he felt justified to do so, as he was under stress to create 300 new narratives in 3 weeks.


Season Two[]

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Inside her teahouse, Musashi is making his introductions and talking with Akane -Japanese "Maeve", while his gang is stealing the safe. The conversation and events follow the Westworld version closely. Later, Musashi's men decide to take Sakura, the equivalent of Westworld's Clementine Pennyfeather with them - but they are interrupted by Maeve who enters and demands, in Japanese, that they stop fighting and talk. Akane, recognizing herself in Maeve, agrees.

After the tea ceremony, an emissary from The Shogun enters, The Shogun wants to buy Sakura and Akane says no. Sizemore explains that this is all part of the narrative and that Akane will be forced to give the younger woman up, Sizemore says that it's a narrative called Army of Blood.

The emissary asks Akane to name her price. Akane comforts Sakura who is now standing behind her, and then turns back to the emissary - says that she will name her price, and stabs him through the eye with her hair spoke, killing him. Sizemore is surprised. Akane says that they need to be far away when The Shogun realizes what has happened and Sizemore suggests, in Japanese, that they go to a place Sakura knows called Snow Lake.  

After shogun's ninjas attack, Akane comes out of her room and becomes devastated after learning that Sakura has been kidnapped.

The Shogun's army parade into town - Sizemore protesting that they never do that. The commander, Tanaka, calls Akane out and the group discusses what to do inside the brothel. Maeve says she has a plan and Musashi goes out to meet Tanaka in order to buy some time for her. Hector and Armistice soon join Musashi in a fight outside, where they are quickly defeated and captured. In the distraction, Maeve, Sizemore, Akane, Lutz, and Sylvester all escape out the back of the teahouse.

After they all arrive at shogun's camp and Maeve bestows her present, the Shogun parades Sakura in front of them, and Akane stands and talks to him. He doesn't understand why they haven't fled after killing his emissary. Akane offers any price for Sakura - he asks that Akane dance for him, and then Sakura is hers. Shortly after in their tent, Sakura reveals to Maeve and Akane that the Shogun has had a picture of a cherry tree (reflecting her name, which means "cherry blossom") carved into her back. She's in great pain and Akane comforts her by telling a version of the story Maeve always tells, about being who she wants to be. Maeve tells Akane about her daughter, and about the wider world - offering her freedom. Akane declines, looking at Sakura.

Akane and Sakura start their dance but the Shogun stops them immediately, walks up to the low stage and kills Sakura, giving her - dead - to Akane. He makes Akane dance; Maeve can't do anything but watch. She dances towards the Shogun - removes a large pin from her hair and stabs him in the ear, killing him. The Ninjas prepare to execute Maeve and Akane, but Maeve silently controls them and the Ninjas kill each other. Sizemore scrambles to get out of the way as the Ninjas slaughter themselves.

"Phase Space"
A massacre has occurred at the stage where Akane killed the ShogunMaeve stands watching Akane stroke the hair of a dead Sakura and remembers doing the same to her daughter. Akane cuts out Sakura’s heart and the group leaves the theater. In the courtyard, they run into Tanaka. He asks if they have come to watch the execution of HectorArmistice, and Musashi, or if she has come to make a trade. She offers to let him live if they all walk out of there. He says they can leave, but Akane must stay. Maeve begins to use her new voice on Tanaka, but Musashi stops her and asks for a duel instead, appealing to Tanaka’s ego. They fight and Musashi cuts off Tanaka’s hand. In a show of honor, he allows Tanaka to commit seppuku.

The group leaves the camp and travels to Snow Lake. Again, everyone is dead. Lee Sizemore shows Felix and Sylvester a chute down which dead hosts were thrown and which will provide an escape from Shōgunworld. The rest of the group follows Akane to a shrine where she places Sakura’s heart. Hanaryo starts a fire and cremates the heart. Musashi and Akane choose not to follow Maeve back to Westworld, but Hanaryo goes with them. They all respectfully say their goodbyes.

Related Casualties[]

This list shows the victims Akane has killed:

  • 1 unnamed shogun's emissary (Physical Body)
  • The Shogun (Physical Body)


As a copy of Maeve, Akane shares not only a protectiveness towards her companions and a strong personality, but also some level of self-awareness: she is able to disobey her narrative and kill the Shogun's emissary and later the Shogun himself, and is able to recognize Maeve as her counterpart when they first meet. Despite the fact that Sizemore more or less copied Maeve's code into Akane, there are some differences, as Akane shows no desire to leave the park. It is unclear if this is because Akane did not receive the same code that Ford gave Maeve or because Akane's own sentience, like Maeve, allowed her to make that choice.



Akane develops mother-daughter relationship with Sakura. After her death, she refers to her as her daughter.

Maeve Millay[]

Akane quickly recognizes herself in Maeve. Throughout their thorny journey, they empathize a lot with each other.


As Hector does with Maeve, Musashi respects and protects Akane, even though he robs her teahouse.


Season Two


  • Maeve is Akane's counterpart in Westworld
  • Akane (アカネ, あかね, 茜) is Japanese for "matter root" or "deep red," from the red dye produced from matter roots. Together with her daughter's name, Sakura (桜, "cherry blossom"), this may be a play on words, as pink cherry blossoms and deep red matter roots would mix together to create the color mauve (モーブ, mо̄bu), which sounds similar to the name Maeve (メーブ, Mēbu).
  • Despite the fact that she is considered to be the counterpart of Maeve Millay, she refers to herself as a geisha, and as such, she and the other girls are trained in dance, music and poetry, not in the art of sexual pleasure. Moreover, offering sexual services was strictly forbidden for geishas.


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