Westworld Wiki

- Are you real?
- If you can’t tell, does it matter?

William meets Angela

"Chestnut" is the second episode of the first season of Westworld, and the second episode overall.


A pair of new guests arrive at Westworld; engineers debate whether a recent host anomaly is contagious.



Do You Remember?[]

"Wake up, Dolores" A garbled echo-y male voice intones. Dolores opening her eyes, lying in bed as before, only this time it is still very much night. Outside of her home, still in her nightgown in the dark, she walks across the yard and past the side of the barn, in a state akin to sleepwalking, with her eyes open. As she comes to a stop the same echo-y male voice asks "Do you remember?"

New Arrivals[]

Chestnut monorail first class seating

William and Logan arrive

What sounds like the beat of heartbeat in the dark recedes to a black and white reflection of a man's face, which in turn recedes to the sleeping face of an actual man...a woman politely coughing to awaken/catch his attention. On his waking, the sandy haired, William, opens his eyes to see the attractive attendant tell him "We're about to arrive." and take his near empty glass from beside him. "Now approaching arrival terminal," the computer confirms to the passengers of what transpires to be a very sleek, futuristic train

As she leaves, his friend, the dark haired lightly bearded Logan seated across the aisle from him tells him that "Where we're going," she's only a "two." William tells Logan he's being an asshole. Logan responds that he's only being himself, which is the whole point of the trip. Unless he adds to William that "This uptight prick is who you really are, in which case feel free to be someone else." William telling him where to go, Logan telling him "That's the spirit!" As they banter the train pulls in to the equally sleek terminal outside and the two rise to exit.

On the platform outside more than a dozen men and women, dressed all in white, stand ready to greet the new arrivals. "What did I tell ya?" Logan smirks as they disembark, taking the hand of a girl as she approaches him, and walking away with her, "Have fun! Stay safe," he calls back. William telling him to give him a break. "What?" Looks back, "Not like my sister didn't ride her share of cowboys when she was here." Sliding his arm around a handsome young man as well, Logan reveals himself to be an equal enjoyment opportunist, walking away with both. As he's left there, William is approached by yet another hugely attractive woman, Angela, who already knows that he's William, and who welcomes him to Westworld. Given it's his first visit there, she notes, she has a few personal questions for him. As they walk she asks if he has any pre-existing medical conditions, heart problems, history of mental illness, depression, panic attacks? He jokes "Just a little fear of clowns." off of which she asks "Do you often experience social anxiety?" A little uncomfortable he asks "What is this for exactly?" Angela answering, to make sure they don't give him anything more than he can handle.

William arrives

William arrives at the Westworld Mesa Hub to prepare for his visit to the park.

"I thought that you couldn't get hurt here?" he replies. Only the right amount she answers, worrying him, until she grins and they both laugh. The only limit in Westworld is your imagination she says. As they ride up the escalator he sees the vistas of the park for the first time, struck by them while she tells him that he starts at the center of the park, which is safe, the further out he goes the more intense the experience gets. How far he wants to go is entirely up to him. She takes him to a private suite. The walls are lined with appropriate period Western style clothes. In the center of the room are display cases with various knives and pistols. He asks about how it works, if there is some kind of orientation. No orientation she tells him, no guidebook, "figuring out how it works is half the fun." All you do is make choices, she adds, 'starting here' pointing out that every bit of clothing is bespoke, made for exactly his size.


She can tell he wants to ask her something. Already knowing what it is, she tells him to ask. He asks her if she's real. "Well if you can't tell, does it matter?" she replies. Not quite knowing how to respond, he points instead to the display with the guns in it, and asks if 'they' are real? Real enough she says, but he can't kill anyone he's not supposed to. Looking around he takes down a pair of trousers and asks if there's a changing room or a robe or something?. "I can help you or, if you prefer, I can step outside", Angela offers. William takes a second and asks what most people do? Startling him slightly, by starting to unbutton his shirt, telling him he doesn't have to worry about what most people do. When he says he understands, she moves closer wondering if he really understands? Seductively telling him that the hosts are there for him, "myself included." She suggests they can stay in the room together if he likes, take as long as he wants. Thanking her, he tells her he doesn't want to keep his friend waiting, declining. Unfussed she politely leaves him to change on his own. She tells him to take his time.

William is engaged to Logan’s sister, and he and Logan work at the same company.

Mulling It Over[]

In Westworld's control building, the Mesa Hub, Elsie Hughes is reviewing data on her table, when, Bernard Lowe, enters and asks her how the build for the new narrative is coming along? Elsie, clearly distracted, says she'll get around to it. Instead she's reviewing video of Peter Abernathy before his breakdown, saying that they "assumed" Abernathy's breach was triggered by the photograph he found. But, she notes, she has "reviewed every dissonant episode I could find." with other hosts "The reaction is immediate every time," she says, But Peter, "...makes it all the way back home. It's like he's mulling it over." Seating himself beside her, Bernard asks her if she thinks Peter had an existential crisis? She responds that she thinks there's something f***ed up with his cognition, and thinks Bernard feels the same way she does.

He points out that they know where the error originated. They do, she agrees, and he covered up for him, meaning Ford's addition to the update. She pleads with him to let her rebuild Peter to figure out what caused the problem and make sure this is not something more serious. Stopping her, he quietly reminds her of policy, and tells her to let it lie. As he goes to leave, she requests that he at least let her recall the hosts that had contact with Peter, "Like the daughter, Dolores." Wearily Bernard turns back asking, what for? "Because if this is not a dissonant episode," she says, "then whatever Abernathy had? Could be contagious." He looks at her, surprised and amused. "So to speak," she adds. He reminds her, as he moves to leave again, that Dolores was examined and cleared, and the 'stories' are best left to the guests. As he departs, the look on Elsie's face suggests she's not persuaded.

Changing Perspective[]

In Sweetwater everything is bustling and as normal, Dolores freshly arrived, finishing up her horse she heads down the street to start her errand run. Halfway across the street, not far from the Mariposa, she starts to look a little puzzled, her smile fading as the voices around her start to retreat into a distant cacophony. That same echo-y male voice cuts through, saying, "Remember". Turning her head slowly, her expression has changed, stone faced with a hard stare. Looking down the main street of the town towards the Livery & Board she sees a very different scene than moments ago: corpses and wreckage are scattered throughout the street and a cart is burning. The sound of faint screams can be heard, before a lone wolf lopes across the corpse-strewn street.

Dolores Quote

"These violent delights have violent ends."

Behind Dolores, Maeve clears her throat, then 'requests' that Dolores move on from standing in the street in front of the Mariposa, as she doesn't want anyone thinking. that girl next door, Dolores, is "representative of the goods inside." Dolores turns her head slowly, to stare that same hard stare at her, and almost whispers "These violent delights have violent ends." Maeve scoffs at the same time as looking both perplexed and vaguely taken aback, not expecting that from Dolores of all people. A moment later, Dolores closes, then opens, her eyes, smiles politely at Maeve, and moves on her way, leaving Maeve to turn and stare after her slightly unsettled.

The Question You've Been Asking Yourself[]

In the Delos facility Angela waits for William who emerges having changed into his Westworld clothing. "Hello cowboy," she greets him, William smiling a little sheepishly before she tells him, "There's one final touch." Gesturing to the walls either side of him, William looks to see many different western style hats hanging on the walls. One side in Black and the other White. He chooses white. Then walks down a highly polished perfectly white corridor towards an incongruously out of place old-fashioned wooden and smoked glass door. Opening it to find himself in a perfect replica of a high class 19th century train carriage, peopled by other guests in 19th century clothing.

William animation chestnut ep

A Whole New World

Heading to the bar, the ornately mustached bartender pours him a brandy without his even asking for it. William taking a sip and savouring it, as Logan dressed in a black period suit, with a black hat, clatters through the same door that William came from, disheveled and zipping up the fly on his pants. Leaning on the bar beside William he asks him if he can believe this place? William doesn't answer but it's clear he's deeply impressed by the detail, as the lamp above them quivers a bit. "So, how do we get into the park?" he asks. As he does so, the quiver of the lamp turns into a shake of the entire carriage as the train lurches forward and rumbles out along the tracks emerging from a tunnel into bright sunlight. William turns quickly agog at the spectacular scenery of the Westworld landscape. Logan tells William that he knows William has a handle on what this experience is going to be like "Guns and tits and all that mindless shit that I usually enjoy. You have no idea. This place seduces everybody eventually, By the end you're going to be begging me to stay because this place is the answer to that question you've been asking yourself." William asks what question? "Who you really are." Logan answers, adding that he can't wait to meet that guy.

An Un-Familiar Face[]

A blindfolded man balances on thin enough handle of a railway handcar, his hands bound at the front, a noose around his neck and a roll up cigarette in his mouth. His last smoke as he stands, before Sheriff Reed and his 5 man posse about to be hanged on the improvised gibbet, for the murder of someone named Donald Pardue. A 6th man digging a shallow grave. Sheriff Reed gives a short speech condemning the man to the purifying fire's of hell, and asks that God have mercy on the man's soul. Before they can finish the execution, they are interrupted by a lone rider. The Man in Black (MiB).

The MiB greets the condemned man as Lawrence, clear he knows him well, when amused he asks if he's helping them straighten out their rope, again. Apologizing for interrupting he informs the Sheriff that he was hoping to talk to Lawrence. Sheriff Reed replies that he's welcome to talk with Lawrence all he likes after Lawrence's neck is broken. The MiB informs him that that is just not convenient for him, and draws back his coat, freeing up his holstered gun. The Sheriff suggest he can get his man digging the trench to dig it a little deeper, and the MiB looking to it, jokily replies that its still going to be an awful tight fit for them all. Things descend to a stare off, and as Lawrence still blindfolded stands flinching, gun shots ring out around him, one man trying to flee and getting shot in the back behind Lawrence.

Chestnut man in black

With silence resuming Lawrence cautiously removes his blindfold to see the Sheriff and the entire posse dead, Now clear that none of them were human, the MiB completely unharmed. Looking at the MiB Lawrence asks "What the F***?" the MiB unimpressed with his level of 'thanks' pointing out "You used to be a little more eloquent." But much like Dolores, any prior encounter with the MiB has obviously been reset for Lawrence, who asks, "Do I know you?" The MiB replying, "Your pal Kissy sent me your way. Sends his regards," tossing Lawrence Kissy's scalp. Lawrence looks at the maze imprinted on the inside of it and asks what it is. "You know exactly what it is," the MiB says. "It's the maze, the deepest level of this game. You're gonna help me find the entrance." Cutting the rope that makes up the noose loose from it's bind, he simply turns the noose into a tether, yanking Lawrence, his hands still bound, down off his make shift gallows, and dragging the stumbling man after him. His captive.

That Little Voice[]

Maeve and guest Chesnut

The piano in the Mariposa Saloon kicks off with a new tune, indicating the start of a narrative and Maeve standing alone, fanning herself, her voice is heard along with the music as she watches the goings on in the saloon, spotting a young man enter with two friends. His demeanor marking him as a little more unsure and out of place then they. "You can hear it can't you. That little voice. Telling you don't stare too long. Don't touch. Don't do anything you might regret." We see her sitting beside him on one of the plush setees, continuing, telling him, "I used to be the same. Whenever I wanted something. I could hear that voice telling me to stop. To be careful. To live most of my life unlived. You know the only place that voice left me alone? In my dreams. I was free. I could be as good, or as bad as I felt like being. And if I wanted something I could just reach out...and take it." She murmurs, taking his hand and stroking it. When he gently pulls his hand back she adds, "But then I would wake up and the voice would start all over again." As he looks around for his friends, she draws his face back to her "So I ran away. Crossed the shining sea. And when I finally set foot back on solid ground the first thing I heard was that goddamn voice. Do you know what it said? It said..." She goes to give her big denouement, only for her to have visions of herself yelling for someone who is being attacked by native Americans, struck over the head with an axe, before she herself is attacked. The new guest watching her transfixed state, makes his excuses and leaves. Maeve not noticing, caught in her memory.

Instead we hear another male voice asking "Alright Maeve, what did it say?" and her voice replying "It said this is the New World..." the moment shifts to a Technician moving from in front of her, Maeve in Analysis Mode sitting naked on a stool, in the Westworld Mesa Hub.. "And in this world, you can be whoever the **** you want ." Her narrative back on track. The male tech, says her pupillary response and smile is good, he'd sleep with her. But, a female tech replies, but the guests wouldn't. She states that Sizemore is introducing a huge new story line and wants to lose the dead weight. If they can't "get her numbers up" Maeve will be decommissioned. She suggests that they bump her aggression. 10% the male tech suggests? Double it, the female tech counters "She's a hooker, no point in playing coy." If it doesn't work, she says, they'll punt her to behaviour and let them deal with her.

Ockham's Razor[]

Ford wanders through the manufacturing section of the Hub, several new hosts being 'coated' with their 'flesh' and dried. He joins Bernard who is sitting in contemplation, informing Ford that the two hosts in question have been retired. "You taught me how to make them, but not how hard it is to turn them off," Bernard says. Ford replying, "You can't play God without being acquainted with the Devil," but he feels there's something else bothering him, knowing how Bernard's head works. Bernard posits that the photograph 'alone' was not enough to cause the level of damage to Dolores's host father Peter Abernathy "not without some other level of outside interference." Ford is amused, asking him if he thinks it's sabotage? Someone diddling with their creations? Bernard feels that's the simplest explanation. "Mr. Ockham's Razor' Ford recognizes. But points out that the work he and Bernard do is so complicated that it's nigh on impossible for anyone to thinks it's more likely to be something just going wrong. He theorizes that what they do, creating lifelike machines, is so complex that its akin to them practicing 'witchcraft', creating life itself out of chaos. William of Ockham was a 13th century monk he points out, and is unable to help them now, in fact he'd have them burnt at the stake.

First Taste[]

The Westworld train (the "Black Ridge Limited") arrives at Sweetwater, and the guests, Logan and William included, disembark and begin their short walk into the town. The massive cowboy who regularly bumps into Teddy by the station does the same to William. Unlike the momentary stand off Teddy has with him before tipping his hat and moving on, William apologizes immediately, walking on. Logan stares at him over his passive reaction and turns to yell "**** you, Grizzly Adams!" back at the host. They walk past the area the Sheriff is normally recruiting members for a posse to hunt bandits, the spot this time occupied by a Union Army Corporal and soldiers, recruiting for the Army in a Civil War narrative around the 'future' of the nation. Looking around William comments that the place is bigger than he thought it would be. Logan, amused, tells him this is just Sweetwater, "wait til you see the rest of the park." When William asks how big the park is, Logan replies he has no idea, he's never reached the end.

Clementine, standing outside the saloon, attracts both their gaze, and she tries to tempt them into coming inside the Mariposa, They pass, but Logan promises he'll make her 'beg for it' later. As they cross the street heading for their hotel the Coronado, an old one eyed man is thrown off the back of a passing cart, landing face down in the mud. As William moves to help him up, the old man, Eye Patch, thanks him, but Logan pulls him away sharply, telling William the man will only try to rope him into the narrative of a treasure hunt. Pulling him with him to the boardwalk Logan tells William that everything in the town is "all a come on' everything's a hook into a narrative, he says, the old man, pointing down the street he indicates Dolores already heading to her horse with her groceries, "the girl next door , "the town drunk. They all got some big adventure that they want to sell you on." advising him "They're not going anywhere." he prevails upon him to first, buy him a drink. The two of them heading into the Coronado.

Something Wrong[]

Down the street, Dolores proceeds to pack her purchases into her saddlebag, only to pause on seeing her reflection in the Bakery window beyond her horse. Something triggered by the image. We focus on one of her green eyes, and hear a male voice tell her to "bring yourself back online." Dolores blinks and smiles gently, saying "Hello". Sitting across from her, Bernard dressed all in black, asks her if she remembers their last conversation? Of course she nods.. "And you haven't told anyone about our little talks?" he asks, this, along with the fact she's sitting on an ordinary chair and fully clothed, making it clear that theirs is not a normal session between host and programmer. "You told me not to," Dolores confirms,

On that, he asks her to go into Analysis Mode. He asks her how many interactions she has participated in since their last talk. 138, including this one, she answers. He asks if anyone else has updated or altered her core heuristics (deep programming) in that time. No, she says. Bringing her back into character and tells her he feels it would be best if she doesn't mention the things they talk about to anyone. A little confused she asks if she has done something wrong? "No," he says. "But there's something different about you, about the way you think." He tells her he finds it fascinating, but feels others may not see it that way. Dolores proves his point, when she asks with great insight, "Have *you* done something wrong?" She both does and doesn't get her answer, when instead of replying to her question, he tells her to turn off her event log, erase this interaction, and confirm that. Which she duly confirms. However, given she is recalling it, it is plain it hasn't been erased. Getting up, he tells her she should be getting back, "before someone misses you."

Maternal Instinct[]

Maeve, returned to the saloon, is coming to the culmination of her previously interrupted 'voice in her head' speech, this time to a new, female, guest, This time Maeve is significantly more sexually aggressive, pushing the woman up against wall, telling her the voice told her that in this world she can be whoever the **** she wants to be...groping her. All of which makes the already not particularly attracted woman, even more uncomfortable. Excusing herself with a 'maybe another time', she escapes rapidly. Maeve, vaguely disappointed, is still cheery enough as she walks to the bar, ordering a glass of sherry from a different bartender than the one assigned to play the new Peter Abernathy. Telling him the good stuff "not that 'horse piss you strain through your old curtains". Beside her, leaning on the bar, Clementine yawns loudly and broadly, and informs Maeve she didn't sleep much the previous night. Maeve softens a little, asking her if she's having nightmares again? Sometimes, Clementine confesses. And that sometimes they are real bad.


Maternal Advice

Maeve gently advises her to do what she does if she finds herself in a nightmare, "Close your eyes, count backwards from three...wake yourself right up." Safe and warm in her own bed, Maeve tells her she can then be put right back to sleep by one of the guests and their miniature 'appendages'. They both drink to that and Maeve affectionately sends her back on her way to said guests. But as she does, she frowns and flinches, seeing a horse fall, whinnying loudly, a Native American in the background, and then her hand reaching down to take hold of a little girl's hand. Lifting her own quaking hand she stares at it, before Teddy's voice interrupts. Leaning on the bar, further down, he has seen her disorientation and checks on her, asking her if she's alright? Maeve not exactly appreciative of being seen that way, tells him he just pays for the drinks not for the right to 'gawk' at her. Teddy politely tipping his hat at her rebuff of his concerns, goes back to his drink.

Up in the Control Room of the Mesa Hub however, someone else has noticed. The Surveillance Controller approaching Stubbs a pad in hand, showing video of Maeve in the saloon staring at her hand again, telling him that he thinks they have a problem. He points out that Maeve is listed as being on probation but her performance has continued to decline even further. Stubbs tells the Controller to re-task Clementine in the role of Madam, "she's done the job before." In the saloon Clementine, lounging by the stairs, receives the new program assignment, and perks up, moving away with purpose. "And the old unit?" the Controller asks. Stubbs suggests that they leave Maeve on the floor for one more night and they'll recall her in the morning. "Decommission her. Shame." they will bring her in to be decommissioned. Calling up her details on his tablet, the Surveillance Controller, marks Maeve for "Recall."

A Formidable Woman[]

In the Mezzanine area above the Control Room, Theresa Cullen is pulling out a cigarette out of her cigarette case. Bernard joining her, reaches for her lighter, and warns her that QA will fine her for this, teasingly adding, speaking of her, that the woman in charge is rather 'formidable', as he lights her cigarette. He can just say b***h, she tells him, she hears it enough. Bernard concludes from her smoking and agitation that she's been talking to corporate. But doesn't get to finish as she snaps at him this "character analysis" routine isn't near as charming as he thinks. So it went well then, he smiles. His point proven. Eyeing him, she replies she just wants him to tell her that his department will be ready for the launch. Which he confirms. "And that other thing, Abernathy and the update." she's heard his department is still asking questions. That, he points out, is what they pay them to do, then adds, assuaging her, that he's not concerned. "All the hosts are back to normal," he says. "Good," she says. "Wouldn't want anything disturbing our guests from their rape and pillage." Plucking her lighter back from his fingers she heads off, leaving Bernard smiling a little in her wake.

To the Point[]

In the Coronado's Restaurant William and Logan are eating a meal, Logan smiling as he notices William looking about, figuring that he's wondering how to tell the hosts apart from the guests. Telling him there's one sure way, he pulls his gun and points it at the back of another diner. William dragging down Logan's arm and stops Logan from shooting. Logan tells William that William's problem is he is afraid to make a mess. He's less amused however, when the old one eyed man from the street, spots them from the bar. Making his way towards them, he ignores Logan's attempt to ward him off, and tells William he wants to show his appreciation to him for his aid in the street by offering "the opportunity of a lifetime." The man tells William that "across the river and beyond the savage lands there is a treasure." Logan tries again to get rid of him, but the man continues, "I have in my possession a map." Before he can go any further, Logan stabs the man through the hand with his dinner knife, pinning him to the table, shocking William as the man yowls in pain, his blood spilling widely across the table. The other diners don't appear to notice, as Logan tells William it's time to go, he's worked up another appetite anyway.

Logan in Chestnut

We cut to Logan having sex with a woman while a man and another woman join him on the bed.

William however in his room, sitting up on his bed, fully clothed, trying to clean the old man's blood out of his white hat, which was on the table when Logan stabbed him. Across the room Clementine, listens to what's going on next door with Logan. Noting that it sounds like his friend is having fun. William says that's not the term he'd use. "Fun?" Clementine asks walking back to him. "Friend," William responds dryly. Finding him funny, she tries to tempt him into sex, but he tells her she doesn't have to do that. If she's not his type, she says, they can find someone who is. Someone perfect for him. No, he replies, she is perfect. But he has someone, someone "real" waiting for him at home. Clementine understands, "Real love is always worth waiting for" she says, kissing him lightly.

Creative Differences[]

Down in the Costuming section people are working flat out to finish the look of the hosts for Lee Sizemore's new story. They are literally working on the final look of the character's faces, and costuming them. Lee relays to one of the Costumers that he asked for 'Regal, Strong, Virile, Aquiline' then points at the Native American host, whose nose seems somewhat...large. Berating her, he tells her to start over, and when she asks if they couldn't just 'shave it down' instead, he throws a complete creative hissy fit, and smashes the host's nose with a metal tray, smashing the tray to the ground and screaming at her to start over.

With everyone staring at him, he turns away to also find Theresa watching. "Diplomatic as ever," she notes sarcastically. Walking with him she says she received his request to retire an additional 50 hosts. He says he needs room for his new storyline. He says he can't have a "savage horde" with only 20 savages. Theresa tells him that he only gets 20 additional hosts, not 50. The Board won't mind about a few extra line items he maintains. Theresa asks if Ford has even approved his new storyline yet? Lee replying that Ford hasn't weighed in on a storyline in years. He then suggests that if Corporate really does want to cut costs, then 'their fearless leader's old hosts aren't the only things ready for the knackers yard. Theresa turns and leaves without comment.

The Boy Outside[]


Ford moves along a vast underground tunnel before getting into a glass elevator. Exiting it he's outside in an arid isolated part of the park, sand, rock and cactii dominating the landscape. Walking through the desert vista he pauses, checking the ground beneath his feet, and is interrupted by the voice of a Little Boy asking if he's lost. The boy is aged about 10, has an English accent and is unusually dressed in knee length trousers, pressed white shirt and waistcoat. No, Ford replies, "Just strayed a bit too far from where I'm supposed to be. Same as you, I imagine." The boy says he's on holiday with his parents and it's boring. His father told him to do as he pleases. Ford says his father used to say only boring people get bored. "Mine too," the boy says. Ford adds that he used to think that it was only boring people that don't *feel* boredom, so cannot conceive of it in others. talk about the concept of boredom. He tells the boy he's taking a walk, and he's welcome to join him if he likes.


Lawrence's footsteps drag behind the MiB's horse, the latter wanting Lawrence to pick up the pace saying its not much further. Lawrence, whose been blindfolded again, warns him that he has no idea who he is. Sitting him down and giving him some water, the MiB tells him he knows exactly who he is, after all they are friends, he says. Which, is why he was so surprised when Lawrence's friend Kissy told him about 'this place'. Lawrence wanting to know where they are. Taking off the blind, the MiB shows Lawrence that he's home in the 'border town' of Las Mudas, seated at a table outside the cantina.

The MiB sits down with him and tells Lawrence that the pair of them hunted down Ghost Nation braves in their Winter grounds. He knows Lawrence's favorite brand of whiskey. The tune that he likes to whistle while he's pissing. The barkeep on seeing Lawrence through the doors, smiles and makes his way forward, only for his face to fall when he sees the MiB with him putting bullets out on the table in front of the still bound Lawrence. But, the MiB continues ordering two drinks, Lawrence never told him he has a family. Across the square, a woman with a little girl of about 11 start to cross, the girl looking over and stopping, before running to Lawrence, her cry of 'Poppa' making the Man in Black laugh "That's what I love about this place. The secrets. All the little things I never noticed, even after all these years." As he strips down and reloads his gun, he tells them that the reason the Park beats the real world is that the real world is chaos. An accident. But in the Park every detail adds up to something. Lawrence not knowing what he's talking about, asks him what he wants from him. The Maze, he answers. "How do I find the entrance."

Reaching over, he gently takes Lawrence's daughters hand and places two bullets in her hand, telling him he'll get to decide what to do with them. When the barkeep returns with the whiskey he questions what took him so long, the barkeep saying he was getting the 'Grand Reserve', the MiB scoffingly replying that he's sure it had nothing to do with him alerting Lawrence's cousins and telling them to bring more men. Finishing putting his gun back together, he knocks back his drink and asks Lawrence if he has anything to tell him? When he shakes his head, the MiB figures they're going to have to find another way to jog his memory. Shooting the barkeep dead, terrifying Lawrence's daughter.

Something that's been watched in the Control Room in the Hub, a Surveillance tech pointing out to Stubbs that this Visitor has already taken out an entire posse, asking him if he wants him to slow him down. Stubbs replying 'that gentleman' gets whatever he wants.

As the MiB pours another drink, Lawrence's cousins and their friends emerge in numbers around them. Lawrence tells him that he feels bad. His cousins are normally so hospitable. The MiB tells him he doesn't understand, he's been coming to the Park for 30 years...in a sense he was born there. And this, he gestures to Lawrence's cousins, is *exactly* why he comes. Rising up he moves to meets them, and calmly kills all 12 of them, their bullets naturally having no effect on him. Another two taking him by surprise, also duly dispatched. Returning to the table he retrieves the two bullets he gave to Lawrence's daughter from her.


Man in Black keeps Lawrence in tow.

Knowing who they are meant for, Lawrence, tears in his eyes begs the MiB telling him again he doesn't know how to find the Maze. The MiB draws Lawrence's wife away from him and their daughter "Time for a spin" and dances with her as she cries, their daughter burying her head in her father's chest as he holds her. Watching Lawrences' wife's tears, he notes it's "Beautifully done really, but you see the cracks after a while. That's why I like the basic emotions. You know what that means?" Lawrence pleads with him again. But placing his gun to her head, he pulls the trigger, all the while watching Lawrence "It means when you're suffering? That's when you are most real." Cocking his gun he makes his way back to take Lawrence's daughter, but she rises suddenly from her father's hold and looks up at the MiB with a sudden, unnatural calm. She tells the MiB that the maze isn't meant for him. Pleased at discovering this 'other level' he tells her he'll take his chances, and she tells him to follow the Blood Arroyo (a dry creek or river bed) to the place where the snake lays its eggs. Lawrence tells him he has what he wanted now, and asks him "Why don't you go home? Leave us alone." The MiB hands his daughter the remaining bullet, and shakes his head telling Lawrence that he doesn't understand. "This time I'm never going back." The MiB leaves on his horse, towing Lawrence behind him again, his daughter left standing alone amid the dozens of bodies.

Everything is Magic, Except to the Magician[]

Chestnut rattlesnake 02

Ford and the Little Boy have walked for a while, the boy telling Ford that he wanted to climb a mountain, but his father said they weren't allowed and 'Tommy' dared him, as they stop to look out on the landscape from atop a ridge. "Nowhereland," the boy declares it, Ford smiling and saying that's an odd name for a place so full. Full of what, the boy wants to know seeing only sand and scrub. Ford asks him can't he see it? The town with the white church, and tells him to listen for it's bell, as he stands there a bell intones in the distance, the boy smiling saying he can hear it. "See what a bored mind can conjure?" Ford tells him, before the sound of a rattlesnake draws their attention. Instead of moving away from it, Ford walks towards it...the snakes rattle increasing, before it moves to strike him. Ford stopping it with a movement of his finger. The snake frozen in mid strike, Ford then gets it follow his finger. The boy asking in wonder how he did that. "Is it Magic?" he asks "Everything in the world is magic," Ford replies, "Except to the Magician." Waving his hand he ushers the snake away and on its way, and as he looks up see's the black spire and cross of a church, sticking out of the sand. Best you head home now he tells the boy, but the boy is now enamored of the place saying Tommy is never going to believe it, only for Ford to quietly 'suggest' that he won't come back here, will he? The boy's expression slides from his face, and he drops the stick he's been carrying, answering No...walking away silently. Clear now that he's a host.

Error Correct[]

Bernard goes back to his living quarters, Shortly after he gets there, there's a knock. Theresa at his door saying that she was looking for him at his office. After he notes that she's found him now, she tries to address their earlier conversation, only for him to stop her and invite her inside. Walking after her into the middle of the room, he takes his face in her hands and kisses her. Off her smile it's clear the the two are in a secret intimate relationship.

Later in bed together, she kisses him and moves to get up, Bernard prevailing on her to stay a while and talk. We never talk she tells him, he asserts that he's serious. "So am I," she responds, leaning back to him. saying that he's a man comfortable with long pensive silences. Ironically, she teases, his creations never shut. As she lays his head on chest, she notes that the hosts are always talking to one another. Even when there are no guests around. He tells her that they are always trying to 'error correct', make themselves more human, When they talk to each other it's a kind of "practicing". Teasing him again she asks if that's what he's doing now? Practicing?. He laughs a little as she kisses him.


Maeve Host

Analysis Mode

In the Behavior Lab and Diagnostics. the lights come on revealing Maeve, naked, offline. An approaching Behaviour Tech saying that QA told them Maeve was being decommissioned, Elsie's voice asks him if works for QA? No, the man starts, Elsie cutting him off, telling him to run a fast pass diagnostic on her. Sitting down, Elise puts on her diagnostic glasses, scanning Maeve, reading some non affect hesitation, a little cognitive dissonance and a load of aggression "courtesy of those morons in narrative." Elsie feels she doesn't need to be aggressive, just a quicker study of the customers through the doors. Getting the tech to archive Maeve's configuration and open up her 'primaries' Elsie makes some small, precisely targeted, adjustments bumping her perception, emotional acuity 1.5%, . The tech asks if the hosts dream, pointing out that in Maeve's story she said she dreamed, wanting to know if they make the hosts dream? What would be the point of that Elsie responds. Dreams are just memories she points out, asking him can you imagine how f***ed they'd be if the hosts could remember everything they'd been through. The do give them the concept of dreams, specifically nightmares, which act as a safety precaution in case someone forgets to wipe them properly at the end of a session. If she's had any dreams, Elsie figures it's just as a result of sloppy work by the Body Shop patching her up. She notes that Maeve has some physical discomfort and schedules a full physical examination for Maeve's next visit to the Mesa Hub with Livestock Management. Elsie passes her as fit and puts her back to work.

Teddy Chestnut at Saloon

Teddy & Maeve 'spar'

Back in the Mariposa, Maeve is finishing her 'little voice' speech, flirting, very successfully, with a guest who is almost transfixed by her, as she hands him over to Clementine to conclude the transaction. Pleased with her self she turns back to the bar, the bartender happily providing her with her sherry without even being asked. Down the bar from her, sipping on his own drink, Teddy wryly notes "Well he seemed convinced." Moving alongside him Maeve confesses to him that the first voice she *actually* heard getting off the boat was that of a 'nice young man from Baton Rouge' who told her how much she could earn him in sex work, 'generously' offering her up to 30% .

Teddy Shot - Chestnut

Teddy a victim of Vacation 'Fun'

Teddy notes off the back of that that she could also now add lying to her 'list of sins'. The only thing wrong with the Seven Deadly Sins, an amused Maeve counters, is that there's not more of them. She then does a little poking of her own, noting that her transgressions wash off a little easier than his. At least, she says, when she and her girls are done with a man he's still left drawing breath. For the most part. Noting the sound of a fight breaking out behind, Teddy takes her little jibe in good part, pouring himself a fresh drink and turning to her, the pair of them raising their glasses as he proposes a toast, "To our indiscretions. Spoken and otherwise". Not that he gets to finish it, as he is shot by the inebriated guest who started the fight behind them. The man standing over Teddy, emptying his gun into him, until Teddy dies and yelling "That's a F***ing vacation!!" Leaving Maeve gazing down at Teddy's body, wiping his blood off her arm.


Homestead girl and MAeve

In her room later, she gets changed for bed. hanging up her clothes, pausing, feeling discomfort in her stomach for a moment, before she retires to bed. Laying down she gradually closes her eyes, drifting off to sleep. And as she does, she dreams. A little girls hand sliding into hers. The pair of them in bright, clean settlers clothes of the period, walking through a meadow, examining insects. Heading towards a cabin, inside Maeve washes up and plays with the girl, now clearly her daughter, the two of them sharing a playful affectionate relationship, Maeve sitting on the front porch while she brushes her hair, before the dream shifts.

Maeve and child

The brush becoming a knife, a Ghost Nation tribesman holding it to her forehead, while elsewhere a wagon train is being attacked. A man on a horse killing the Tribesman holding her, and getting shot from his horse with an arrow in return, the horse falling as Maeve had in her previous flash of the memory, along with the man struck in the head by a tribesman's axe. Getting up she calls for the girl, and they run for the cabin, shutting themselves in, pursued by another tribesman. Grabbing her shotgun from the wall she retrieves the shells for it, She and her daughter slide down to the ground opposite the door, Maeve pointing the gun at it, as the Ghost Nation man moves past the windows. But when the door opens it's not the tribesman, but the Man in Black. Maeve, terrified, opens fire twice, hitting him, but having no effect. She reloads rapidly, but he advances smiling having drawn his knife. She shakes in fear, but then lowers her weapon and, as per her advice to Clementine closes her eyes, and counts backwards from 3.

Maeve awakens Chestnut

Maeve awakens on the operating table.

The lighting around her close eyed face shifts, becoming dark, much like that in her bedroom...until the sound of a beep from a medical monitor. "Found it! It's MSRA in her abdomen," a voice says, revealed to belong to Sylvester, who with Felix is operating on Maeve in the Body Shop, investigating her discomfort as per Elsie's order. The tech's are unimpressed with the previous cleaning job done on her, saying it's no wonder they have a fly problem. Unseen by the pair of them Maeve's lower lip moves, while Felix claims it definitely wasn't him, he is the 'King of Clean'. Sylvester calls him on that, saying he's seen him, that he just slops on 'that glop' and rinses, again neither of them noticing Maeve starting to come around on the table. They continue to argue about cleanliness as Maeve's eyes widen on seeing where she is, the pair of them only noticing when she moves her head to look at them. Startled, then freaking out, the pair of them stagger backwards as Maeve starts to move, her hand finding the gaping wound in her abdomen they were trying to sterilize. Swearing, they watch as she pulls herself off the gurney, Sylvester tries to blame Felix saying he never put her in Sleep Mode. Terrified Maeve grabs a scalpel off the side table and holds them off with it, the pair of them freaking out even more, trying to ward her off. But Sylvester telling Felix to put down the tray he's holding up, telling him if they break anything in her head they have to file a damage report.

The pair of them panicking, Sylvester decides they should try to talk to her, smacking Felix for her name, "Maeve!!" Felix yips, Sylvester greeting her and telling her she needs to calm down, that if she sits down they can help her. Maeve reacts aggressively telling them to keep their hands off her. One hand over her would, the other keeping the scalpel up at them, she backs towards and out the door, and then runs as best she can down the darkened corridors, in pain and scared out of her mind. The sight of a moving escalator stunning her, she pushes her way through doors as is even more staggered to see in the moonlight, the vast Delos facility overlooking the mountains and escarpments of Westworld.

Teddy Livestock - Chestnut

Staggering she pushes her way into the building on the far side and finds herself in the storage area of Livestock Management, where the damaged hosts are kept prior to being repaired, her fear and horror rising as she sees stacks of naked dead bodies and more techs carrying fresh 'kills'. She comes to a dead halt on seeing a room where a tech is hosing the blood of some of the new arrivals, and a particular body propped up against the glass wall nearest to her. Falling to her knees, horror etched all over her face at he sight of it, the scalpel drops from her hand, right as Felix and Sylvester catch up with her, Sylvester injecting her with a sedative. Felix swearing blind he put her in sleep mode. Asking him sarcastically if it looks like she is in sleep mode, he gets Felix to help him carry her back as quickly as they can. The body that she saw revealed to be that of a naked bullet ridden Teddy, eyes open, fixed in a dead man's stare.

Ground Sight[]

Dolores, eyes closed, lies sleeping peacefully in her bed at night. But as before she awakens and walks outside the house, passing the barn, stopping at the same spot. "Here?" Looking down, she bends, kneeling, and begins to wipe away the soil, digging down to find and draw a handgun out of the ground.

Odyssey Curtailed[]


In the Hub, Sizemore has finally reached the point of launching his new narrative, his cast of character hosts assembled before a giant screen showing backdrops for the story, he himself performing the outline to his narrative to the assembled staff, Ford and Theresa included. This story he is telling them, as Bernard arrives, will make Hieronymus Bosch look like he was doodling kittens. He 'proudly' announces he has Vivisection, Self-Cannibalism, something called the Whore-Aborus. This, he feels, is the apex of what the Park can provide. Horror, Romance, Titillation. Bernard joining Theresa asks if he missed anything interesting? Theresa sarcastic about Lee's artistic modesty. Bernard listens in as Lee goes on about how the most skilled guests will fight their way to the edge of the park, taking on fearsome braves, seducing nubile maidens, befriending tragically ill fated side kicks, and like all their guests over the years, get to know the character they are most interested in...themselves. He presents the name of his narrative with a flourish... "Odyssey on Red River" The assembly applaud, Sizemore accepting before his eyes slide to Ford who is nodding with a slight smile, but then simply says. "No." Sizemore blinks and asks "Sorry?" Ford elaborating, "No. No, I don't think so." Bernard and Theresa exchanging glances as Sizemeore splutters. Ford asking what is the point of it? Cheap thrills? Some surprises? It's not enough he says. "It's not about giving the guests what *you* think they want. That's simple. Titillation. Horror. Elation. They're parlor tricks. The guests don't return for the obvious things they do. The garish things. They come back because of the subtleties. The details."

"They come back because they discover something they imagine no one has ever noticed before...something they fall in love with," he continues as we see Logan and William in Sweetwater. William stopping to pick up Dolores' stray can of condensed milk (the same as in every loop). As she accepts the can her smile fades, as if she recognized him or was expecting someone else. " They are not looking for a story that tells them who they are. They already know who they are. They're here because they want a glimpse of who they could be." Dolores and William don't speak but William tips his hat to her and she smiles back at him as Logan calls "Billy" away.

"The only thing your story tells me Mr. Sizemore, is who you are, " Chastened, Sizemore asks isn't there anything he likes about it? Ford asking him what size the boots are one of the characters are wearing.

Something Original[]

The boots we see him wearing as he walks through a scrubland area of the Park with Bernard. Bernard is concerned that the board are expecting a new storyline and won't be pleased that Odyssey on Red River has not been approved. Ford reassures him that they will have one. Something he's been working on for quite some time. We see the buried black church spire he was looking at with the little boy. "Something quit original," Ford tells him,


  • One explanation for the name of the episode is its similarity to the phrase "That Old Chestnut", which is used to refer to a well-worn story or saying, arising from British slang, it is most likely referring to Maeve's repeated 'Little Voice' story.
    • A second possibility is that it is an allusion to La Fontaine's Fable, "The Monkey and the Cat", in which the Monkey (named Bertrand) convinces a cat (named Raton) to pull chestnuts roasting in the hearth out of the embers with the promise to split them up evenly.  As the cat begins pulling out chestnuts (singing its paws in the process) the Monkey immediately eats them -- and when a maid chases them away, the cat ends up with nothing but singed paws.  The fable is the origin of the phrase "to pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire" (with the implication that the "someone" is the beneficiary, and the puller pays the price) and the word "cats-paw", meaning someone acting as an agent, often inadvertently, for someone else.  The Fable is often attributed to Aesop, but appears nowhere in pre-medieval versions of "Aesop's Fables" which tended to accumulate additional stories as it was transmitted.  Bernard is certainly serving as cat's-paw for both Ford and Theresa in this episode. 
  • The episode was released four days early on HBO Go for free streaming, before its official premiere on Sunday Night.
  • 'Ockham's Razor' and William of Ockham, refer to the 13th Century English Friar and his problem solving principle that with competing theories or explanations, the simplest one generally proves to be the correct one.
  • Logan's reference to 'Grizzly Adams' is to the John Boyden "Grizzly" Adams a famous Californian 'Mountain Man' who trained Grizzly bears and other animals, and later had a partnership with P.T. Barnum. And on whom a very popular 1970s/80s TV show (and TV Movies) were based. It's likely Logan calls the host that as the size of the host in question is quite 'Bear' like in size.
  • Sylvester and Felix, our resident hapless techs, both bear the names of famous black and white cartoon cats. Likely not an accident. While Sylvester is famous for always trying to catch (and eat) canary Tweetie Pie (and being thwarted), Felix has a pet bird, and is often depicted as helping them, contrary to his cat 'nature'.
  • Sizemore references Hieronymus Bosch the 15th century Dutch Painter, whose work, and certainly his most famous painting The Garden of Earthly Delights, carries with it deep insight into humanity's desires and deepest fears, caught between heaven and hell.
  • The name of Sizemore's new narrative Odyssey on Red River, can allude to a number of rivers of a similar name in the U.S. from Oregon to Texas, but is also likely an homage to the 1948 Howard Hawks Western Classic, Red River, starring John Wayne and Montgomery Clift.
  • The guests' clothes look authentic but, sensibly, have modern conveniences. Logan has a zip-fastener in his trousers, his pants, and we see him pulling it up when he enters the the bar. Zip-fastener or zippers weren't in common use until the 20th century.
  • It is mentioned that Lawrence was responsible for the deaths of Donald Pardue and his brother: the Pardue brothers do not appear in person until "Reunion."
  • It is revealed that Maeve Millay suffered from MRSA, the organic material in the hosts able to carry the kinds of infections humans are prone to.


  • No Surprises — Radiohead[1]
  • Weeping Willow Rag — Scott Joplin [1]


  • As Dolores strokes her horse and packs her saddlebags in the street, her hair is windswept, a lot of it forward over her shoulders. When we close up on her as she catches sight of her reflection however, her hair is perfectly brushed, and back over her shoulders.


Main Cast[]

Guest Cast[]



  • Sheriff Reed (Physical Body)
  • 6 unnamed deputies in Sheriff Reed's posse (Physical Body)
  • Bartender in Catina de Las Mudas (Physical Body) 
  • 15 unnamed Lawrence's cousins (Physical Body)
  • Lawrence's Wife (Physical Body)
  • Teddy Flood (Physical Body)
  • 1 unnamed Ghost Nation member (Flashback)
  • 2 unnamed farm hosts (Flashback)


Theresa: "You're certainly a man comfortable with long, pensive silences. Although, ironically, your creations never shut up, even when there are no guests around."
Bernard: "They're always trying to error correct, make themselves more human. When they talk to each other, it's a way of practicing."
Theresa: "Is that what you're doing now? Practicing?"

Elsie Hughes: "Dreams are mainly memories. Can you imagine how fucked we'd be if these poor assholes ever remembered what the guests do to them?"

Man in Black: "No, you don't understand. This time, I'm never goin' back."

Lawrence's Daughter: "The maze isn't meant for you."

Man in Black: "It means when you're suffering, that's when you're most real."

Man in Black: "You know why this beats the real world, Lawrence? The world is chaos. It's an accident. But in here, every detail adds up to something. Even you, Lawrence.

Lawrence: "What do you want from me?"
Man in Black: "The Maze. How do I find the entrance?"

Dr. Robert Ford: "You can't play god without being acquainted with the devil."



External links[]
