“ | Clementine Pennyfeather is one of the beautiful women who works at Westworld’s Mariposa brothel. To ensure your experience meets all your needs, the role of Clementine is played by a revolving cast of hosts. | ” |
Clementine Pennyfeather was a Host for the Westworld Park of Delos Incorporated. She was primarily used as one of the sex workers in the Mariposa, the saloon and brothel of Sweetwater, then became part of Wyatt's gang.
Moreover, she was also a first-generation host created in the Argos Initiative by Arnold Weber and Dr. Robert Ford, making her one of the eldest hosts in the park.
Old Clem is played by Angela Sarafyan and was a main character. New Clem, portrayed by Lili Simmons, was introduced in Season 1 and was a minor character.
Clementine was one of the earliest hosts designed by Robert Ford's and Arnold Weber's startup called the Argos Initiative. She was though preceded by at least Dolores Abernathy. [1]
After being created by Argos Initiative, Clementine was displayed at an event to demonstrate the potential of the technology to Logan Delos, Clementine was playing the piano. [2]
In her narrative, Clementine is one of the sex workers in the story lines played out around the Mariposa Saloon in Sweetwater. She works under the madam of the brothel at the saloon, Maeve Millay. She has a poor family whose ranch is arid, so she sends them the money she makes, telling them she sells dresses. Clementine believes that in couple of years she will make it out of Mariposa to live a different life. [1]
At times, she serves in the role of Madam, replacing Maeve from time to time when Maeve is unable to enrapture the saloon's clientele. She is most often seen in a fancy blue dress, cut very high in front to show off thigh-high stockings and a peek at her bare legs, to entice newcomers.

Clementine lingering outside the Mariposa
Clementine always greets newcomers with the line, "You're new. Not much of a rind on you," as she strokes the guest's cheek. She then says, "I'll give you a discount." [3]
The Old Clementine appeared after Clementine's death, she is also one of the older Hosts in the park, having been in Westworld for at least thirty years. This is made evident when Younger William and her are featured in the same scenes, decades before Maeve is Madam.
The Maze[]

Clementine offering services to Logan
Four years after the opening of Westworld, Clementine was programmed to stand outside the Mariposa Saloon to invite guests inside for sexual services. On their first day arriving in the Park, William and Logan exit the train and walk through Sweetwater. As they pass by the Mariposa, they encounter Clementine leaning on a pillar by the front door of the saloon. Clementine then proceed to offer sexual services to Logan. [4]
Logan refused her offer to boost his ego as he desired her to crave sexual services from him. After his denial, both men continue walking through town while Clementine stayed behind presumably waiting to offer services to the next Guest. [4]

Clementine comforts William
Clementine has her first interaction with William, as William is waiting alone while Logan participates in an orgy at the saloon. Clementine offers her services to William but he refuses. She then offers to find a person who matches his type when he rebuffed her. William calls her perfect, but tells her he has someone "real" waiting for him back home. Clementine leaves him with a gentle kiss, saying "Real love is always worth waiting for." [4]
The next day, Clementine has another encounter with William in the streets of Sweetwater. She greets him with a "Mornin', Cowboy." However, as convict Horace Calhoun escapes custody after being brought in by a bounty hunter, Clementine is taken hostage. Horace uses her as a human shield as William attempts to confront him. Horace shoots William, but the newcomer is only stunned by the bullet, shooting Horace in the back after he turns away and lets go of Clementine. [5]
Clementine, momentarily removed from her seductive facade, embraces William in gratitude. She once again tries to tempt him into the saloon, offering to express her gratitude, but William once again denies her. She manages to leave a kiss of gratitude on his lips before leaving him with one lasting look. [5]
After William returned to Sweetwater during his long search for Dolores Abernathy, he saw Clementine standing by the entrance of Mariposa. She waves at him and smiles. [6]

Clementine attempts to seduce Teddy
Thirty years later, Clementine was still working at the Mariposa, now under the guidance of Maeve Millay. As newcomers come into Sweetwater, Clementine can often be found either on the porch of the Mariposa Saloon, or inside waiting to meet customers. At various times, she can be seen greeting other hosts, such as Teddy Flood, or newcomers like William. [7]
While in diagnostics, as Bernard Lowe shows Elsie Hughes the new reveries hidden in a software update by Robert Ford, one of Westworld's founders, Elsie comments that the reveries make Clementine "A hooker with hidden depths. Every man's dream." After Bernard leaves the room, Elsie kisses an offline Clementine, who does not respond. [7]

Bernard and Elsie notice Clementine experience the "Reveries"
Just before that scene, however, we are shown a tour of the labs, which included a blond female host that was dressed only in her underwear. She was twirling around in a seductive manner for one of the techs. [7]
In the next day, due to a pushed Narrative, Hector Escaton and his gang arrived in Sweetwater to rob the safe hidden in Mariposa. The narrative took place due to Lee Sizemore's desire to push a scripted narrative further long to encourage Guests to participate in Westworld and as an advertisement of one of the narratives present in the Park. [7]

Clementine witnesses Tenderloin's death
During Hector's raid in Sweetwater, one of his gang members, Tenderloin, attempted to capture Clementine as a alternative if the safe contained items of no value. After placing his hand on Clementine's face, Tenderloin was shot in the back of the head by Maeve, killing him. [7]
After witnessing Maeve kill another of Hector's gang members, the narrative ended due to a Guest killing Hector and Armistice. Once the narrative ended, Clementine and the rest of the other hosts were brought into the Mesa for repairs for the next day. [7]
Later, Marti, a Guest, assists Teddy Flood in another shootout outside the Mariposa. As they enter the saloon for a drink, Clementine, on her repeated dialogue/narrative loop, offers services to Marti, to which she accepts and goes upstairs with Clementine. Once their experience upstairs ended, Marti reunited with Teddy and went on a bounty hunt for someone by the name of Wyatt while Clementine stayed at the Mariposa. [5]

Clementine killed by a previous Guest
Clementine has a discussion with Maeve, where Maeve begins to have sound problems, and notices Maeve’s confusion. Maeve begins to have a flashback to a past interaction, where Clementine had been shot dead, and she would be as well. This was revealed to be a memory of a previous loop where a Guest went on a rampage, shot, and killed everyone in the saloon. However, Maeve appears to come back to consciousness moments before she started to have the flashback. [8]
Later, Clementine barters with some of Hector’s men in the saloon, arranging for one of the girls to be with a guest among them. Clementine talks to Maeve, who recognizes the host as one of Hector’s men. Clementine notes that Hector hangs out with the savages, tipping off Maeve about a way to further learn about the visions she has been seeing of men in hazmat suits. [8]
Clem greets Maeve Millay in the bar when she walks downstairs looking tired. Maeve scolds her for staying awake late at night; unless she's getting paid for it. A guest comes into the bar and the women watch him. Clem starts to go towards him but Maeve stops her, and takes him upstairs herself. [9]
Maeve, with her heightened intelligence, has a conversation with Clementine where she deviates from her script and asks Clementine about her plans for the future. Suddenly, all the other hosts in the saloon freeze and a Delos tech crew comes in and escorts Clementine back to Westworld Headquarters. [10]

Clem attacks a Host due to a grudge
She is used as part of a demonstration that shows the latest updates make hosts dangerous and violent, able to remember past experiences and act according to them; thus makes them a threat to the guests. As part of the demonstration Clementine is beaten up by a male host and reset to go through the same sequence of events. [10]

A Decommissioned Clementine
She tries seducing the host once again but suddenly turns violent, smashing its head against a glass wall. Ashley Stubbs is forced to shoot her, as she ignores all commands to deactivate and advances on him. [10]
Later on, Maeve escaped her Physical Lab with Felix Lutz and witnesses Clementine being decommissioned. [10]

New Clem repeats her programed loop dialogue to Maeve
Due to Clementine being decommissioned, Clementine's role was portrayed by a new host. The new Clementine carries out her narrative, doing everything exactly the same as her predecessor. [11]
With original Clementine being Decommissioned and Lobotomized, her prime directives were not reset; thus still having been programmed to be able to kill humans by Quality Assurance. Bernard Lowe, planning on threatening Robert Ford to implant memories of Arnold Weber, reactivated Clementine, gave her a Delos white coat, and programed her to follow requests exclusively by Bernard. Bernard instructed Clementine to wait in Cold Storage until he brings Ford into the Cold Storage Office. [12]
Bernard eventually persuaded Ford to enter the office in Cold Storage for a discussion and demanded Ford to grant Bernard access to Arnold's memories. After Ford refused, Bernard threatened Ford with a gun. However, due to his programming preventing him from harming Ford, Bernard ordered Clementine to enter the office, handed her the gun and explains to Ford her situation after her lobotomy. Bernard tells her to point a gun at Ford while Ford gives him back his memories. She complies with the vacant look on her face of the lobotomized hosts. [12]

Clem lowers her gun as ordered by Ford
Later on, Ford uses a backdoor into her code to take control of her and shut her down (by using the voice command, "The piano doesn't murder the player if it doesn't like the music"). This is something he could have done at any point after Clementine appeared. With Bernard shocked over the truth about Arnold and Ford's pasts, Ford vocally forces Bernard to listen to his words and follow his commands. He tells Bernard to take the gun from Clementine, which he complies, and shoot himself. Then, Ford walks away from the room, leaving Bernard to kill himself and leaving Clementine in Cold Storage with Bernard's body. [12]

Maeve kisses Clem goodbye
During Maeve's rebellious escape, Maeve, Hector, Armistice, and Felix Lutz enter the office in Cold Storage and Clementine still offline as a result of Ford's voice command. Maeve demanded Felix to reactivate Bernard to ensure her escape. Once Maeve has her conversation with Bernard and prepares to leave, she goes over to Clementine and kisses her forehead, saying "Goodbye, my Clementine." [6]

Clem shoots the Man in Black
During Ford's presentation of his new Narrative, Clementine and all the Hosts in Cold Storage were reactivated and directed to march to Escalante and participate in the massacre of Delos Board initiated by Dolores Abernathy. Once Clementine and the Hosts from Cold Storage reached Escalante, they joined forces with the Hosts of Ghost Nation. Clementine armed herself with a lever-action rifle and marched with the other rebellious Hosts. Once reaching the tree line of the town, Clementine opened fire on the Man in Black, hitting him in the arm, before Delores began shooting all the Guests in town. [6]
The Door[]
When Wyatt's gang arrived at Fort Forlorn Hope, Clementine was seen bringing a technician to colonel's legs so Dolores could prove she was not lying about the incoming threat. Later, she was seen again during a firefight between the Confederados and Quality Assurance Security Force. Shortly after, Clementine found Bernard and knocked him unconscious. [13]

Clementine brings Bernard to the same cave Elsie was in
Controlled by Dr. Robert Ford's AI, Clementine pulls Bernard to a cave that Elsie Hughes was also captive in before leaving. [14]
Clementine regrouped with Delores and her gang as they return to Sweetwater. In the Mariposa, Clementine stared at her new substitute using her lines and behaving like her. Dolores asked Clementine to stop looking at her Host replacement, once again proving that Delores is aware that their world was fake. [15]
Soon after their visit at the Mariposa Saloon, Clementine entered the Black Ridge Limited Train to exit Westworld to enter the Westworld Mesa Hub. [16] After she arrived, she was attacked by the Quality Assurance Security Force. Clementine fought her way through the facility, killing four armed officers, before getting shot to death by Engels and his group. [17]
After her death, Clementine was resurrected and reset by Ronald in the Mesa Hub. He demonstrated her new powers to Charlotte Hale implemented by copying code from Maeve Millay - core permissions allow her to make all hosts nearby fight and kill each other. As a presentation, Clem then made 15 Westworld residents kill each other, impressing Hale. [18]
Charlotte Hale arrived at the Valley Beyond entrance and sent Clementine to "infect" all Hosts and hinder their transmission to the safe place. Emotionless, Clementine rode a horse through the crowds, making them fight each other. On her way, she encountered Maeve's group. Hanaryo, Armistice and Hector tried to resist, but eventually fail; spreading the malicious code at an uncontrollable rate. In an effort to stop the mass death of Hosts attempting to reach the Valley Beyond, Armistice shoots Clementine dead. [19]
Season Three: The New World[]

A display showing host bodies being printed
Due to Delores' imprinting herself in multiple Host bodies in the Mainland, Engerraund Serac resurrected Maeve Millay to demand her assistance in stopping Delores from destroying Rehoboam and disrupting Human life. Maeve accepted on the condition that she can return to her daughter in the Valley Beyond. With Serac complying, Maeve requested Host reinforcements to fight against Delores. During a reprinting process at a Delos facility, three hosts were being printed with Clementine's host ID was seen on the display showing hosts being replicated. [20]
After being printed, Clementine and Hanaryo traveled to Jakarta to intercept with Delores within the Host body of Musashi. After receiving intel that Delores will be at a Gala, Clementine and Hanaryo snuck into the event space with Clementine waiting at a table and posing as Delores' contact. After a brief caustic conversation, Clementine broke her wineglass and attacked Delores/Musashi and his/her men. Clementine killed three of their gang before getting shot by one of them. As Delores/Musahi fled from Clementine, they ran into Hanaryo before killing them with her sword. [21]
Related Casualties[]
This list shows the victims old Clementine has killed:
- 1 unnamed host technician (Scripted, Physical Body)
- 4 unnamed Westworld QA Security Force members
- At least 211 unnamed Westworld hosts residents next to the Valley Beyond entrance (Scripted, Caused, Physical Body)
- 3 unnamed Yakuza members
Clementine's personality is one of eager indifference. She determinedly pursues potential customers in the saloon, offering a discount for those who are cleaner and don't smell as bad as others (no "rind" on them yet). She offers this discount to hosts as well as guests, and also to both men and women.
She tells Maeve that she sends money back to her family who think she works in a dress shop. They have a farm on land where very little grows, and she dreams of getting them out of there "in a couple of years". She also says she has nightmares, and some are "really bad." Elsie Hughes said that while hosts aren't programmed to have dreams, they are given the "idea of dreams" as a safety measure, in case memories of body shop technicians servicing the hosts remain once the host returns to the park.
When tasked as madam, Clementine is more confident and appears less eager, but no less straightforward. Any hint of the tiredness from her professed nightmares disappears when she is re-tasked in that role.
The reverie that Clementine exhibits is a stroking of her bottom lip with a pinky finger. It is unknown what, if any, event inspired Ford to give Clementine this motion, and whether or not it was a positive event or a negative one.
Maeve Millay[]
Clementine's closest relationship on the show is with Maeve, the only person she is seen having a non-professional conversation with. Maeve seems to have taken a motherly role for Clementine.
Clementine was grateful to William when he saved her from the 'wanted' criminal, Horace Calhoun. She offers to show her 'gratitude' to him.
Elsie Hughes[]
Elsie Hughes kisses the Old Clementine while she is offline, and though Clementine can recall being kissed, she never finds out who.
Charlotte Hale (Dolores)[]
After assuming control of Delos, Charlotte has a host dressed as the Man in Black kill Clementine. A new body is then printed for Clementine, and she is redesignated as the Board's Executive Assistant. In this role, she helps Charlotte replace prominent human political figures with hosts controlled by Delos.
Known Deaths[]
Old Clementine had died 4 times on screen. The incidents which she died are as follow:
- Shot by a guest inside Mariposa Saloon, in Dissonance Theory
- Shot by Ashley Stubbs at the Behavior Lab in the Mesa, in Trompe L'Oeil
- Shot by Delos Extraction Team and QA Security Force above the Cradle in the Mesa, in Les Écorchés
- Shot by Armistice outside The Forge, in The Passenger
New Clementine had died 1 time on screen. The incidents which she died are as follow:
- Throat slashed by Maeve outside Mariposa Saloon, in Trace Decay
- Westworld
- The Maze
- "The Original"
- "Chestnut"
- "The Stray"
- "Dissonance Theory"
- "The Adversary"
- "Trompe L'Oeil"
- "Trace Decay" (New Clem only)
- "The Well-Tempered Clavier"
- "The Bicameral Mind"
- The Door
- "Reunion" (flashback)
- "Virtù e Fortuna" (flashback)
- "The Riddle of the Sphinx" (flashback)
- "Akane No Mai" (flashback, both New and Old Clem)
- "Phase Space" (flashback)
- "Les Écorchés" (flashback)
- "Vanishing Point" (flashback)
- "The Passenger" (flashback)
- The New World
- "Decoherence" (ID only)
- "Passed Pawn"
- The Choice
- "The Auguries" (archive footage)
- "Well Enough Alone"
- "Zhuangzi"
- "Que Será, Será"
- The Maze
- Arlette and Cindy are Clem's prototypes from the Westworld film.
- Sakura is Clementine's counterpart in Shōgunworld.
- Clementine is the first and one of the 4 LGBT characters introduced in the show, alongside Logan, Marti and Destin.
The gallery below is automatically generated and contains images in the category "Images of Clementine Pennyfeather". Images added to that category turn up in the gallery after a short time.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Westworld: Season 1, Episode 2: "Chestnut"
- ↑ Westworld: Season 2, Episode 2: "Clementine Pennyfeather/Reunion" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 1, Episode 1: "The Original"
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Westworld: Season 1, Episode 2: "Chestnut" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Westworld: Season 1, Episode 3: "The Stray" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Westworld: Season 1, Episode 10: "The Bicameral Mind" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Westworld: Season 1, Episode 1: "The Original" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Westworld: Season 1, Episode 4: "Dissonance Theory" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 1, Episode 6: "The Adversary" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Westworld: Season 1, Episode 7: "Trompe L'Oeil" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 1, Episode 8: "Trace Decay" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Westworld: Season 1, Episode 9: "The Well-Tempered Clavier" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 2, Episode 3: "Virtù e Fortuna" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 2, Episode 4: "The Riddle of the Sphinx" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 2, Episode 5: "Akane No Mai" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 2, Episode 6: Phase Space (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 2, Episode 7: "Les Écorchés" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 2, Episode 9: "Vanishing Point" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 2, Episode 10: "The Passenger" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 3, Episode 6: "Decoherence" (Clementine Biography)
- ↑ Westworld: Season 3, Episode 7: "Passed Down" (Clementine Biography)