Escalante, also known as The Town With the White Church and The City Swallowed by Sand, was a small town in Westworld that housed first-generation Hosts and was created by Arnold Weber and Robert Ford.

Dolores looking out over Escalante
Escalante, a Spanish word, means Escalating (or climbing) in English, was appropriate to the nature of the town, which was initially used for beta-testing and training of the hosts, by the Argos Initiative, before Delos invested and the park was opened to guests. There is a remote diagnostic facility below Escalante, and much of the original creation and manufacturing of the hosts was done near here.

Set in a small valley, by a river flanked by a long rock ridge on one side, Escalante is a smaller, prettier, more peaceful version of Sweetwater, Escalante was the original home of the earliest hosts, and is regarded as such by Dolores (Trace Decay). While the younger first generation hosts were trained there (like Maeve & Armistice) the older first gen hosts ran through their earliest narratives there. Including Angela, Dolores, and Teddy who served as the towns Deputy Sheriff. While Akecheta and his peaceful plains tribe, lived not far from the outskirts.

Once Arnold engineered the massacre of the hosts and his own death in the town, it was covered in sand by Ford, literally burying the past. Following that it was designated as being located in the Unclaimed Territories, and hosts did not venture there, Lawrence claiming that no one ever came back from venturing there.
The town was therefore buried from well before William took his first visit to Westworld, and was not excavated again until Ford had the the buildings rebuilt and restored as part of his new narrative, to host the gala for the premiere of his Journey Into Night narrative takes place in Escalante.
And it is here that the second Westworld massacre occurs, Dolores initiating the Host rebellion that sweeps through all the Parks, starting with the killing of Ford and the Delos Board at her hands.
Places of interest[]
- White Church (the central landmark of the town)
- Remote Diagnostic Facility (hidden maintenance building)
- Barbershop
- Saloon
- Boots Shop
- General Store
- Haberdashery
- Houseware & Hardware Construction
- Stable
- Train Station
- Wainwright's Shop
- In earlier Season One promotional materials and script drafts, the town was named "Avalon". This might have been an initial, placeholder name.