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Hector Escaton is Westworld’s permanent “Most Wanted” bandit. He is a terrifying and brutal host, and has a dark sense of humor to match. He subscribes to the theory that the West is a wild place, and the only way to survive is to embrace the role of predator. He is portrayed by Rodrigo Santoro.

Season One

The Original

In the first episode, incoming guests are greeted by Sheriff Pickett's who is recruiting visitors to participate in a hunt for Hector Escaton. He is wanted dead or alive. Later, Hector and his posse ride into Westworld's Sweetwater. They rob the brothel and wreak havoc on the townspeople, killing many of them. However, just before Hector can give his "chilling" speech, he is shot through the neck by Craig, a park visitor. Craig also kills Hector's deputy Armistice and is thrilled with his kills. He laughs over their wriggling corpses.

Dissonance Theory

In Dissonence Theory, the Man in Black promises to break Hector out of prison, in exchange for a few private words with Armistice, who he believes can help his pursuit of "The Maze."

The Man in Black does as promised, but not without using "cheat codes".  He sends out a signal for pyrotechnics, and in the control room, security higher-up Ashley Stubbs obliges. As a result, the Man in Black's cigars become explosives which he deploys to spectacular effect. The first blows the door off the cell. The second is sparked by an unwitting lawman and it blows his head off.  From there, the Man in Black and Hector blast their way out of the building before mowing down an entire firing squad to liberate Lawrence Pedro Maria Gonzales.

The Man in Black brings Hector back to Armistice, and as promised, she delivers information that will help his cause. She talks about the origin of the massive red snake tattoo crawling up her neck and onto her face, tracing it back to a childhood trauma instigated by a bunch of men she's since tracked and killed; all but one man, the head of the snake: "He has many names. I once knew him as Wyatt."  The Man in Black believes Wyatt is the next step on his hunt to find Westworld’s secret.

At the end of the episode, Hector and his gang re-engage in their narrative to steal the brothel's safe.  Hector meets Maeve in the brothel.  Maeve informs Hector that she lives in worlds, plural, and she and Hector dig a bullet out of her abdomen — a bullet that exists inside her, despite there being no wound to show for it. It confirms for Maeve: "That I'm not crazy after all, and that none of this matters." With that, she brings Hector in for a passionate kiss, as lawmen shoot through the door and into the room, presumably putting both hosts down… for now, at least.


  • This character was originally called Harlan Bell.
  • "Escaton" is a derived from "éskhatos", the Greek word for "last", which is also the root of the English word "eschatological", which means "pertaining to the Apocalypse".