Westworld Wiki


Maeve is placed back into the Warworld simulation whilst her body is reprinted. She finds Lee Sizemore and the two drink at a local bar, before they are approached by "Ettore". Maeve realises that with her new found abilities — and the fact that she can see Hector's control unit — she can end Ettor's narrative and bring Hector back; she successfully does this.

Maeve fights and kills the German soldiers - Sizemore watches from the edge of the square, she is surrounded by bodies now. He suggests a drink and takes her to a bar. He has programmed the simulation so that the staff don't see him. She tells him about her physical death and having to wait for a new body, and then sees the scene shift around her. She tells him they've "been moved." She watches through her mind's eye as a technician starts the print process for her "help."

Meave, Hector and Lee - in a sim of a Remote Diagnostic Facility, a copy of Dolores is sitting there nude, inactive. Maeve wakes her up and she recognises Maeve.

Maeve talking to Dolores, says that Dolores has too much power - Dolores points out that Maeve can control hosts with her mind. She knows that Serac is destroying as many hosts as he can.

Dolores criticises Maeve for not trying for anyone not close to her - and for expecting Dolores to be perfect.

Maeve asks Dolores how she can be sure the others are safe - Dolores says there's noting she can say to convince her. Maeve asks what Dolores prime's plans are and Dolores says she would be stopping Maeve getting any help.

With her new found abilities, Maeve is able to access Delos' infrastructure and view the security footage in the RDF. She watches as Hale targets Hector's pearl, and apologises to him moments before Hale crushes the pearl, permanently destroying Hector.

We see a host being printed. Maeve steps out of the tank and watches another being printed.
