Westworld Wiki

"Virtù e Fortuna"

Maeve's group continues through the park, against Sizemore's insistence that they stick to the underground. They are then stopped by several Ghost Nation hosts led by Akecheta, triggering flashbacks as Maeve recalls him outside her old farmhouse window. Akecheta offers to let Maeve and Hector pass if they give Sizemore to them. Maeve refuses and tries to order them to let them all pass, but the Ghost Nation hosts ignore her and approach, forcing the group to flee into a nearby elevator and down into one of the utility corridors. Maeve and Hector share a moment while travelling through the corridor, only to have Sizemore protest, claiming they were not programmed to ever fall in love. When Sizemore is able to finish Hector's eloquent speech about freedom and love, Maeve realizes that Hector was programmed by Sizemore as the ideal version of himself after a breakup, which she remarks is pathetic. They reunite with Armistice, who has fashioned herself a robotic arm and tied up Felix Lutz and Sylvester. Maeve helps Felix up and asks if he has any ideas, but Felix replies that they are out of his comfort zone.

The group returns to the surface, where they find themselves in a snowy area. Sizemore discovers the decapitated head of a Japanese soldier and, realizing they have reached Shōgunworld, tries to warn Maeve, but the group is confronted by a katana-wielding figure running towards them.
