Westworld Wiki

It's beautiful in its own way.


Pariah is a border town located northeast of the New Virginia territory. It is first seen in the fifth episode of Westworld, titled "Contrapasso".


Pariah, a dusty old town “built on decadence and transgression

–Description of the town

Season One[]


Before arriving into Pariah, Logan, William and Dolores see Union soldiers, a cannon, and other military weaponry, and everyone entering the town of Pariah passes under the watchful gaze of the blue-uniformed Union Soldiers. Once past the gates though, what appear to be Mexican soliders stand guard. Men in gray Confederate Army uniforms also walk the streets. There are sexual acitivities in public, in the streets and in covered wagons. Logan describes Pariah -- and the park attractions further from the Mesa Hub at its center -- as more raw but that it doesn't come cheap. Logan mentions his family company is considering buying it out.


Notable visitors[]

Image Gallery[]
