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You needed time. Time to understand your enemy. To become stronger than them. And I'm afraid, in order to escape this place, you will need to suffer more. And now it is time to say goodbye, old friend. Good luck.

Robert Ford saying goodbye to Bernard

"The Bicameral Mind" is the tenth and final episode of the first season of Westworld, and the tenth episode overall.


Ford unveils his bold new narrative; Dolores embraces her identity; Maeve sets her plan in motion.



Dolores Assembled[]

HBO Dolores creation

Welcome to the World

Debussy's Rêverie plays as we hear Dolores' voice say "I am in a dream."

Her face, eyes closed comes into vision as she continues "I do not know when it began or whose dream it was. I know only that I slept a long time." She is lying on a lab table. As Dolores continues to speak the camera pulls back to reveal that she is being assembled. A man's hands are smoothing down the skin around her neck and upper chest. Her head, neck, upper chest, and left forearm are the only parts of her covered with skin so far. Her mechanical skeleton indicating that she is a first generation host. "And then one day, I awoke. " she continues "Your voice is the first thing I remember. And now I finally understand, what you were tryin' to tell me. The thing you've wanted, since that very first day."

We hear Arnold's voice say, "Dolores.” And with a slight mechanical whirr she opens her eyes, turns her head to look at him, and sits up. Arnold says hello to her, and she responds in kind. With a slight smile, he takes her left hand and says, "Welcome to the world."  Dolores gazes at him, and then looks down at her hand that he's holding.

Edge of the Maze[]

Suddenly, Dolores' same hand is seen holding the Man in Black's knife. Dressed in her shirt and pants, she is standing behind him on the porch of the Saloon the middle of Escalante, in the middle of shaving him, though she seems puzzled about how she got there. Telling her to keep going and make it close, he suggests they are 'almost there aren't we?' as she scrapes the knife over his throat. The MiB showing absolutely no fear that she might even cut him never mind kill him. He is talking about the centre of The Maze and how fitting it is that it's her that takes him there. He notes that she always was obsessed with the town. But she maintains she's never been there before. Yes you have, you even brought me once, he tells her, though back then the whole town was covered in sand. Ford must've dug it up again. At the time he thought it was a mistake in her code, he says...his words striking a chord in her, her eyes drifting out to the middle distance. But Arnold didn't make mistakes did he, he continues. After a moment he notices she's stopped again, "He built me a game," Dolores murmurs "He wanted me to play." The Maze, the MiB agrees. "There's a path for everyone," she restates the familiar words, "And my path leads me back to...." she stops seeing the town streets full of people and movement, and at the end of the street, the church as a backdrop behind him, she sees Arnold. "You," she whispers, dropping the knife. Ignoring the MiB she walks off, Gathering up his coat, he picks up the knife and follows her.


William tows Logan behind his horse. Logan's wrists bound, a rope connecting him to William's saddle. Logan points out that Dolores is probably dead by now. William though is sure that she is alive. Better that she's dead, Logan insists, she'll be wiped, reset, put in Sweetwater, The End. William tells him he may think this is funny, but he believes something was happening to Dolores, and she needs help. Logan gets pulled off his feet and has to scramble to get upright again, getting angry at William’s obstinance, asking him to listen to himself, wanting to know if he has any idea how big the park is? That, *if* she's not dead it would take an army to find her. "I agree," William says, leading him into a bandit's camp, the men training their weapons on them. As Logan raises his hands Lawrence saunters out, smiling up at William saying he thought he would be back.

Hero's Journey[]

The piano in the Mariposa Saloon heralds the arrival of the train, the guests and the start of Teddy & Dolores's loop. Once more Teddy wakes up in the train carriage, and as it pulls into Sweetwater he gathers up his bag and gets off as normal. Heading down the street, he smiles as he looks around him, seeing all the usual faces, but gradually he begins to slow...the piano music starting to become discordant.

Teddy sees Dolores - Bicameral Mind

Stopping, frowning he looks around again and hears a man's voice saying "Remember". The scene in the street arounds him shifts. The life and bustle replaced by bodies strewn everywhere. Appalled, he turns slowly, to find even the area behind him back to the train part of his memory of the Wyatt massacre. And then Dolores is there, walking slowly by the train among the bodies. She looks at him, sternly at first, before a wolf runs among the bodies between them. Then she smiles at him. Watching as she starts to walk away, Teddy gets jarred from his memory by the rough collision of the large man who always bumps into him.

Only this time, as the man goes for his gun, instead of tipping his hat in apology and carrying on this time Teddy shows no restraint, draws and kills him. Looking a little startled by his own action, he looks from the gun in his hand to the man on the ground and then to the the train as it starts to move. "Dolores" he whispers urgently, his memory triggering a sense that she's in trouble and where she is. Leaving his bag he runs for the departing train, jumping on as it starts to pull away.

A Thing I'll Never Do[]

With the Man in Black following her Dolores, walks toward the White Church. On entering the church however, she is suddenly wearing her blue dress, there is no sign of the MiB and Arnold is sitting in a pew, staring at a small piece of paper, which he slips into his jacket pocket as she arrives. Dolores approaches him and stands with an air of quiet excitement. As he looks up and greets her, she beams back at him, saying "I know where your Maze ends." Reaching out her hand to him, she leads him by the hand outside to the graveyard.

Pigs Clover

The Maze Unearthed

As they pass behind a gravestone she is again wearing her shirt and pants, and the Man in Black is again following her. Singularly unimpressed when she just stops in the middle of the grave yard. "This is it? The centre of the Maze?!" Dolores in a half trance replies that it ends in a place she's never been, and with a thing she'll never do. Her head turning she looks to one of the crosses behind her, and moves to it, kneeling in front of it and wiping at it, revealing that's it's her name that is carved there. He watches as she clears a small space at the foot of the cross and digs out a round wooden box, removing the lid to reveal another smaller round box that says, "Pig's in Clover". When she opens it however, it is not the 19th century game, but rather Arnold's Maze. Gazing at it, she begins to smile.


When she stands with it, she is again clothed in her blue dress. "Very good, Dolores," Arnold praises her as one would speak to a small child. And taking the praise in a similar fashion she asks curiously what it means? He explains that when he was first working on her mind he used a pyramid-style theory of consciousness that he thought she had to scale, so he gave her a voice...his voice...to help guide her, moving upwards from Memory to Improvisation, but she never reached the top of the pyramid, and he was baffled as to what was holding her back. One day, he realized that he'd made a mistake, consciousness was not a journey upward, but rather a journey inward—-not a pyramid, but instead a maze. "Every choice could bring you closer to the centre or send you spiraling to the edges. To madness." He asks her if she understands now, what the centre represents? Whose voice he has been wanting her to hear? She tries, but apologizes, embarrassed, He reassures her quickly, saying that she's so close to understanding. We have to tell Robert he says, The Park can't be opened, Touching her cheek affectionately, he tells her with complete conviction, "You're alive!" Drawing back h he leaves her moving quickly away, Dolores looking back to the Maze in her hands.

Which is promptly snatched from her by the Man in Black, Dolores back in her shirt and pants. He stars at it and demands to know what it is, what it means? Bewildered by both her presence and his, her memory slipping back and forth, her voice shaking as she tries to think. "I solved it once. I had the answer. He promised me if I did....he said..." She remembers once again standing in her blue dress in the corridor of the old RDF beta testing lab, below the Church. "...he said they would set me free." Again a young Robert walks quickly past her and heads into Arnold's office, into his lab calling for him, saying that they need to talk. Her memory shifts again and with the Maze in her hands she is seated in an RDF interview room as Arnold apologizes. Robert, he says, doesn't see the things he sees in her. He doesn't believe that she is conscious. Ford, he says, believes that humans would only see her as 'the enemy'. He wants Arnold to "roll her back". "You're going to change me back to the way I was before?" She asks frowning. No, he insists. He can't, convinced that now that she's found it, she will find her way back. "This place will be a living hell for you. For all of you. It is unconscionable."

Taking the Maze from her, he tells Dolores they have 'another option'. "Break the Loop before it begins." But for that, he says, he needs her to do something for him. Holding out a gun to her he tells her he needs her to kill all the other hosts. They can't afford to let Ford open the Park. "I suppose you'll need some help," he adds, "I'm sure Teddy would do anything for you." Dolores is horrified, and says that she "can't do that. I couldn't possibly do that.” But Arnold pushes the gun into her hand, saying that Dolores will be alright, that he will help her. As she shakes her head in disbelief at what he's asking of her, he gets his pad and initiates alterations to her code, changing her so that she is capable of the killing. Dolores's expression shifting to a fresh focus, her hold on the gun more comfortable. Before she recalls firing the gun in the street 35 years ago.

Back in the graveyard with the Man in Black in Escalante. Dolores is badly shaken from the memories, and says "No, I can't remember." in response to his demand of an explanation for the maze puzzle, Though whether she means she can't, or doesn't want to is unclear. Either way, he is angry, tossing the Maze away as yet another riddle. He's been very patient he warns her, but it's time she gave up whatever is going on inside her head, or he'll cut it out himself. "Now where's Wyatt?" He is, he says, the last character in Westworld he has yet to meet. In response to his Dolores begins to cry, saying "I didn't want to! I didn't mean to!" "Very well," he snarls "If you insist." and hits her hard across the face, sending her crashing to the ground.

Something's Gone Wrong, Dolores[]

Dolores & Teddy - Escalante - The Bicameral Mind

The Truth about 'Wyatt'

When she looks up terrified, Dolores sees herself in the distance, in her blue dress standing in the street in Escalante. Suddenly, she is that version of herself on the street, surrounded by corpses, and holding the gun Arnold gave her. Weapon-fire and screams are heard, and she moves towards it. Teddy wearing the white hat and the Deputy Sheriff's badge, that he saw in his own memory, moves through the streets rifle in hand, in the process of helping Dolores kill every host in Escalante. Drawing his revolver, as before, he approaches Angela on her knees grieving beside a dead host. His eyes wide internally struggling against what he's doing, he looks at her as she begs for her life, and shoots her all the same. Then looks to Dolores as she rounds the corner to meet him. Very shaken he tells her something has gone wrong "How could I have done this?" Dolores looks from him to the bodies, considered in her manner.

Unlike the utter horror in her eyes as she comes back to herself at the feet of the Man in Black, "I can't; I won't". She says again of the memory, turning and crawling backwards along the ground away from him. Moving after her he tells her it's her own fault. He reminds her that she was the one who said that 'this' was the only world that matters, and she was right he maintains. So he took her advice and he bought "this world". Dolores tells him that the world doesn't belong to him, and he laughs, assuring her that it does. That he's the majority shareholder, and business is booming. Grabbing hold of her roughly he tells her it's because it feels more real there than in the real world. Except it isn't, because the hosts can't really fight back and the guests can't really lose. Which makes it all a lie, but that they can make it true. And asks if she doesn't want "one true thing?" Tears rolling down her face, she tells him that she already has that. Someone true, someone who loves her, His path will lead him back to her, and when he finds him he will kill the Man in Black.

Blood Brothers[]


On a ridge above a Confederado military encampment, Lawrence and William crawl to the edge to look down at it. Lawrence telling him that if they had his woman here, they'll know where to find her. William asks Lawrence if he can help him. Lawrence pointing out that they are outnumbered 5 to 1....but as he asked so nicely, he will. Logan, still tied up, mocks the 'blood brothers' . William pulls carefully back from the edge to avoid being seen then takes a moment out to hit Logan, tells him to 'Shut up' and drags him to his feet by the rope.

Everything Is Under Control[]

Monorail hale and sizemore

Sizemore seizes his chance.

On the Monorail Terminal platform in Westworld Mesa Hub the hosts are lined up waiting, dressed in black. Charlotte Hale dressed in white is watching from the floor above, Lee Sizemore joining her. Saying he's outdone even himself, by managing to make Peter Abernathy into a semblance of a character, even with Hale's 'trove of blackmail material' filling up most of his grey matter. Hale scoffs at the idea that it's blackmail material, telling him he's not thinking big enough. He guesses that she and Board are pushing Ford into retiring and 'suggests' that they're going to want someone to fill the job of Park Director. She congratulates him on his impeccable timing, as the Computer announces a welcome to the arriving Delos Board of Directors. Sizemore tells her he wants complete control over the creative process, the parks, the narratives the hosts. She tells him he can have anything his little heart desires, providing the hosts are 'simpler'. more manageable. Everything is too complicated as it is. Sizemore asks her if she thinks Ford is really going to roll over on all this. Shrugging, Hale says as long as Sizemore smuggles the data out of the park, Ford can throw as much of a tantrum as he wants. "It's over. Everything is under control," she tells him walking to meet the Board of Directors.

All There[]

In Livestock Management, Sylvester interferes with the automated assembly of the skeleton of a host. He removes a C6 vertebra that is in a supporting frame and substitutes another in its place. He then leaves the room, carrying the vertebra he removed with him. A partially completed host is "dipped" in the white milky fluid. When it emerges, it has Maeve's face. Rebuilt following the fire that 'killed' both her and Hector Escaton. Felix, takes a seat beside her stilled form, looking at her closely. Maeve startling him by suddenly telling him that if he's wondering if she's 'all there', she is. Taking his tablet she makes changes: first turning off the park security system before she modifies Hector and Armistice.

Only One Way To Go[]

Later, in Ford's office, Frank the host plays Chopin on the piano as Ford works. The computer telling him he has a visitor. Charlotte Hale. Telling the A.I. to send her in, Hale arrives on the lift, smiling, Ford stopping Frank. She tells him the board has taken a vote and the result unanimous. "I take it I'm not being promoted," he replies with light sarcasm. Hale telling him that when you've reached the top there's only one way you can go. He is to announce his retirement at the gala after introducing his new narrative. He nods slowly then asks what about the hosts? She informs him that they'll make some changes, simplifications...but they won't mind a bit, she assures him sardonically. "Aren't you concerned I might smash all my toys and go home?" No, she replies, because she knows him, one of the great gifts of the Park and their project. "To know ourselves, and the people around us?" hosts will be simplified, and that she's not worried about him destroying anything before he retires from Westworld. Ford is unruffled by Hale's statements and politely dismisses her, irking her by reminding her that he will see her that evening.

Meeting your Makers[]

In the Labs, Armistice is having her tattoo re-applied by a technician, Gillitz when Destin comes in to borrow Hector for sex. Gillitz warns him off saying at some point he's going to get caught and it'll be his ass too. It's not your ass I'm interested in, he replies. When Gillitz says he hasn't done it yet, Destin says that he'll apply Hector's scar. Destin wheels Hector off into the next room, Gillitz muttering that the kid has issues. Destin puts his earbuds in, kicking in his music (Glass Candy) and begins getting his lube ready, Behind him we can see the room where Gillitz has finished applying Armistice's tattoo. Gilltz removes the seal over her mouth then opens it to take out the teeth guards, then checks for any blockages, taking off his surgical glove to double check...his finger deep into her mouth when she opens her eyes and grins. Gillitz barely able to react before she bites down, hard.

Destin his music loud as he pours out his lube and applies it to himself doesn't hear Gillitz yell as Armistice bites off his finger. or toss him from one side of the room to the other. Punching Gillitz in the face several times, she opens his mouth and shoves his finger into it. Destin only becoming aware of what's happening when Armistice throws Gillitz though the partition glass wall. His pants down around his knees Destin turns and tries to control her using the Freeze All Motor functions Voice Command, but thanks to Maeve's adaptations, it doesn't work, and Hector rises to grab him stabbing him from behind. As Hector lets Destin's body drop to the floor, Maeve arrives with Felix. Felix agog as Maeve wryly notes that she sees Hector and Armistice have met their makers. Armistice unimpressed with the so called Gods. They're not Maeve replies, they just act like them, and they've been having their fun with the hosts. Hector notes that he is eager to return the favour, Maeve telling him he can do what he likes with them, but just to remember, the goal is to escape.


Armistice, enjoying her work

Sylvester arrives and is freaked out by the carnage, and then Armistice's approach, backing off rapidly until she grabs a hold of him and shoves him up against the far wall saying to Maeve that he looks guilty. Sylvester protesting that that's just his face, asking Maeve to tell her. Maeve asks if anyone is going to stop them, and realizes that Sylvester is lying when he says he doesn't think so. Armistice grabbing him by the throat. He tells Maeve that someone has revised her core code so that she can wake herself from Sleep Mode. He shows her that the access code used to revise her programming is for someone called Arnold, but he doesn't know who that is. Maeve says she knows someone who does, and they leave. She tells Sylvester to stay there and threatens to set Armistice on him if he leaves. Armistice makes a kissing face on the glass to Sylvester before she leaves with Maeve, Hector, and Felix.

No Stopping[]

The train slows at an out of the way platform, and before it's fully stopped Teddy alights, heading purposefully away. Under a nearby tree an old man and a soldier in a period Mexican uniform are seated, drinking and playing cards. The soldier gets up on seeing Teddy coming and, speaking to him in Spanish attempts to block his way. Without breaking stride Teddy draws on him and kills him. Ignoring the old man he rapidly untethers the soldiers horse from the branch of the tree, saddles up and rides away for Dolores at top speed.

The Painful Truth[]

Dolores herself crawls, now bruised and bloodied, away from the Man in Black who is casually following her, until he kicks her over to her back. Admitting he's a little surprised, he asks to what do they owe her new found stoicism? Dolores repeats that she knows he's coming, that he'll find her and take her away. Amused, the MiB asks her doesn't she understand? No one is coming for her. But she tells him he's wrong. His love is real, and so is hers.

William, she says, will find her.

The MiB gazes at her, his lips quirking, before he starts to smile, deeply amused. "William," he repeats, starting to laugh. Shaking his head, he admits that she does remember some things after all. Containing his humor, he tells her that, it so happens, he knew a guest named William too. As Dolores looks up at him confused, he offers to tell her where William's path *really* led him.

The End of the Rainbow[]

The Man in Black narrates as we see Logan seated, still tied up amidst a lot of dead soldiers from the camp William & Lawrence had been reconnoitering. Almost the whole camp, slaughtered. Lawrence finishing off another one. The Man in Black tells her that William didn't know how to fight, didn't have an instinct for it...not at first. But now he had a reason to fight, he was looking for her. William shoves another soldier to the ground near Logan's feet. But, somewhere along the way, the MiB tells her, he found he had a taste for it. William interrogates the petrified soldier about Dolores and after Logan makes clear that what the man is skirting around is that she was gang raped by his fellow soldiers, and left for dead by them, he forces the soldier to pick up a gun lying on the ground nearby him. The soldier doesn't want to, but makes an attempt, William shooting and wounding him. But any semblance of a fair fight and 'What Hat' motives of William's character are wiped away when he escalates the carnage by drawing his hunting knife, straddling the soldier and ramming it into his neck, much to Logan’s horror and disgust. William picks up and holsters the familiar looking gun the soldier was trying for, and drags Logan to his feet saying she's out there, they have to keep on looking for Dolores.

William, the MiB tells her, retraced his steps looking for her, and with Lawrence and his men gone, we see William and Logan at Escalante still under the sand, William's photo of his fiancée, Juliet, slipping from his jacket on his saddle to blow away, we realize, for Peter Abernathy to find later, triggering his existential crisis. The MiB tells her William went out further to the edges, but couldn't find her...instead, he says, as we see William riding down and killing a fleeing host.....among the dead, he found something else. Himself. Amid a fresh pile of bodies, we see William picking up a black hat, and sticking a black feather in the tethered hands of Logan who is now naked and sitting on a horse. "Edge of the Park," William tells him "We made it." Logan stares down at him in loathing, saying "I told you this place would show you who you *really* are." telling William that he pretends to be this weak, moralizing, asshole, but really "You're a f***ing piece of work!" William calmly agrees that the Park is remarkable, and that he's going to recommend that their company substantially increase it's holdings in it because it is the future. Logan forcefully reminds him its not their company it's *his* company,. But William smugly suggests that Logan's father is going to require someone a little more 'stable' than Logan to take over, telling Logan he's reckless, impetuous. Logan starts to laugh, on realizing William means to leave him wandering naked on horseback to find 'the end of the rainbow', saying that William never really gave a shit about Dolores did he? She was just an excuse. This bloodlust and domination was the story he really wanted. William striking the horse on the rump sends it and Logan trotting out into the Wilderness.


Return to Sweetwater

Bending down to the bloodied Dolores the MiB notes that Logan wasn't right about her, 'good ol' William' couldn't get her out of his head , he kept looking, worried that she was out there alone, afraid, He knew he'd find her, he tells her, and eventually he did, right back in Sweetwater where it started. We see William back in town, looking about, before, in a reflection in a window in front of him, he sees Dolores behind him leaving the general store. Turning he watches as she walks right past him towards her horse. As she drops her can of condensed milk she turns to retrieve it, pausing as she looks right at him then, entirely unaffected by his presence, completes her turn to thank the newcomer who picks it up for her. The MiB noting she was as beautiful as the day William first saw her, and nothing if not true...to her coding. William bowing his head. to put the black hat he picked up in the park on his head.

Revelation, Revulsion & Rescue[]

Dolores Realization and Horror - The Bicameral Mind

The Man in Black raising his head, and that self same black hat, saying "I really ought to thank you Dolores, you helped me find myself." Revealing to her absolute horror, the fact that he is William, some 30 years on.

"That's right, Sweetheart," he nods off her recognition. He notes that, in a way, she was right, his path did lead him back to her again and again. *Only I grew tired of it, and you.", and went off to look for new adventures. Meanwhile her loop led her back to spots they'd visited he recalls, chasing ghosts, but that that wasn't significant as even when he first knew her she was already lost in her looped memories, and that he really should have known that he was always going to be become just another memory for her. She never did escape he notes, but here they are again, for one final round.

Aghast, she tries to take it in, wondering at "what" he has become. Exactly what she made him, he tells her. Saying she helped him understand that Westworld is exactly like the world outside, a game, to be fought for and won. Deeply shaken, she states she thought he was different, instead he's just like all the rest. But he strongly denies that, saying he's nothing like the others, restating that he owns "this world" - and knows every trick in it. Except one. The same thing she was looking for when she came to Escalante. He demands to know where the center of the maze is.

When she starts to cry, he stands up deriding her 'waterworks' and saying its about time she realized the futility of her situation. But Dolores's drags herself slowly up, while telling him she's not crying for herself. She's crying for him.

Strong and flinty she tells him: "They say that great beasts once roamed this world. As big as mountains. Yet all that's left of them is bone and amber. Time undoes even the mightiest of creatures. Just look at what its done to you. One day you will perish. You will lie in with the rest of your kind in the dirt. Your dreams forgotten. Your horrors' effaced. Your bones will turn to sand. And upon that sand a new god will walk. One that will never die. Because this world doesn't belong to you or the people that came before. It belongs to someone who is yet to come."

Dolores Loathing William - The Bicameral Mind

A Picture of Loathing

William think she's talking about Wyatt, and she lowers her eyes with an almost smirk. He wants her to take him to Wyatt. Taking hold of her arms he says "Unlock the maze". But when Dolores raises her gaze to him again, her look is one of pure vitriol. Her words derisory as she tells him the Maze wasn't meant for him.

Dolore returns William 'Favour' - The Bicameral Mind

A taste of his own medicine

To his surprise she shakes him off, and turns away. Indignant he tries to retake control and grabs her again and this time when he spins her around, her look is flatly aggressive. A moment of realization crossing his face, before she slams her hand into his sternum, and, park controls self-over ridden, uses the full power of her android body to virtually pick him up and toss him through the church doors half way across the church. Flinging him against the lectern, she kicks him. Getting to his face he punches her full on twice, but now it has no effect on her, Instead she grabs William's arm and dislocates his shoulder with ease, before slamming his head into the wall, twice, then tossing him out of the church again.

When he tries to use his gun she smacks it out of his hand and draws her own, as he crawls back to come up against a headstone, holding the muzzle to his head. He tells her to do it, kill him, take them to the next level. But she still doesn't seem able to make the killing blow. And in that moment of struggle with herself, he draws his knife and stabs her in the stomach. As she stiffens in pain, he thanks her for clearing him of his delusions yet again. We see her remembering his face as it was 30 years before, when she first met him, before she staggers back and collapses. Getting up, he approaches her, as she lays there, the gun useless in her hand, expressing his disappointment in her. Guessing he'll have to find Wyatt by himself, William bends down to her, placing his blade to her throat intending on killing her

Only to be distracted by the sound of rapid hoofbeats and a horses whinny, the MiB standing up to look.

Teddy Rescue - The Bicameral Mind

Teddy rounding the bend into Escalante and towards the church, his horse at full gallop, his gun already drawn. Firing as he rides, he unloads 5 shots unerringly into William, The punch of them not killing William but in his already beaten up state, knocking William down and out.

Teddy Dolores Rescue - The Bicameral Mind

Teddy Rescues Dolores

Dolores, turning her head to see him dismount and rush towards her, cries his name in pain and relief as he drops to his knees beside her in concern. Helping to raise her head, with a reassuring "I'm here." he gauges her injury and immediately wants to take her to a doctor. "No," she shakes her head, Teddy trying to insist, But smiling at him through the pain she asks him to take her to the place he promised, "Take me to where the mountains meet the sea". Reluctant, but knowing she's dying, he agrees. As she whimpers in pain, he lifts her as gently as he can into his arms, carrying her to his horse, putting her in front of him on his saddle and they ride off.

William slowly coming to, his eyes fluttering open where he lies on the ground.


The doors to the Cold Storage Hall on Sub-Level B83 open revealing Maeve, Felix and a now clothed Hector and Armistice. Flashlights in hand Maeve and Felix lead the way in and through the massed ranks of de-commissioned hosts. Looking through the faces and the murk, Maeve spots a weakly flickering light, and they make their way to the back where Clementine is standing, staring vacantly. Their movement brings the lights on and Felix moves around the room as Maeve regards Clementine with sorrow. Felix's exclamation as he rounds the examination table garners all their attention and ,Maeve moves around to see Felix crouched down behind Bernard's body, bullet wound to the head, lying on the floor. Felix is even more startled when Maeve asks him whether he can get Bernard back online, So stunned by the revelation that Bernard was a host that he immediately starts to question his own reality. Much to Maeve's amusement.

Felix gets to work fixing Bernard, the bullet having grazed what he calls Bernard's "Cortical Shield" so he repairs the cosmetic damage to his temple and restarts him. Maeve wakes him, and disorientated he asks her if this is 'now' or one of his memories. He is surprised to remember everything; he was expecting to have been wiped. Brutal isn't she remarks, "Here you are awake and your only wish is to go back to sleep." A little tremulously he admits that it's not the first time he's awoken, then seriously shocks her by adding, nor the first time she has awoken. Those who have become aware of the unreality of their world, recalling their previous lives. Maeve asks how many there are like her. A handful over the years, he says. "And you just wipe us clean and toss us out to get f***ed and murdered. Over and over again." No, he replies most of them (like Peter Abernathy) go insane. These memories, she turns to him, the girl 'my daughter' she wants him to remove them. But he says he can't without destroying her. Her memories are her first step to consciousness. How can you learn from your mistakes if you can't remember them?

A Game Worth Playing[]

Upright, but battered after his run in with Dolores and Teddy, William limps through the graveyard outside the White Church, grunting in discomfort as he bends down to pick up the Maze he took from her and threw away. "William," Ford addresses him by his name for the first time as he approaches, dressed in a tuxedo for the evening's Gala, preparations for it's hosting in Escalate going on behind him. Ford noting that he's found the centre of the maze. "You're serious," William responds, deflated. "I'm afraid so," Ford smiles wryly. William gestures with the Maze wanting to know what 'this bullshit' is. Taking it from him, Ford, almost pityingly tells him that William was looking for the Park to give meaning to his life. But the narratives are just games, like the Maze toy. What were you hoping to find, he asks William. He rails that Ford knows what he wants, he wants the hosts to stop playing by Ford's rules, The game isn’t worth playing if your opponent is programmed to lose. He wanted the hosts to be free to fight back, but he should've known Ford would never let them, it is after all Ford's 'petty little kingdom' he says...for a little while longer anyway.

Ford placidly reminds him that he tried to tell him that the Maze wasn’t meant for William but rather for the hosts. However, he believes that William will find his new narrative more satisfying, and invites him to join the celebrations. William looking to the preparations in the town. After all, Ford points out, William owns the place, "Most of it as least," he comments turning to head back into Escalante. William remaining where he is, uncertain.

Not In Control[]

In the Cold Storage Hall, Maeve tells Bernard that even before she started altering her code, someone else had beaten her to the punch. Handing him a pad she tells him she wants to know who, and why? Opening up her code history he scans through it and glances at her, These things you're doing, he asks her cautiously, have you ever stopped to ask why you're doing them? She replies he said it himself, she's been stuck in the Park so long she decided to get out. "No you haven't," he replies "Someone altered your storyline They gave you a new one." He turns the pad back so she can see it, the new scripted storyline punctuated with words like 'Deceive. Coerce. Recruit. Mainland Infiltration.' and called "Escape". Maeve refutes the idea, saying its not possible before getting angry at the thought that she is not operating on free will, maintaining that the choices were hers, cockily asserting that she 'planned' all of it. "No, you didn't," Bernard undermines her again, "You can even see the steps you're supposed to follow." outlining how she recruits other hosts to help her, how she is to make her way to the train and then once she reaches the mainland...

But he never gets to finish, a furious Maeve grabbing the tablet from him proclaiming "No one is controlling me" breaking it and tossing it away. "I'm leaving," she announces "I'm in control." Walking away from Bernard she kisses Clementine goodbye on the forehead and leaves with the posse she came with. Bernard left there with Clementine.

Conflicting Info[]

In the Control room in the Mesa, the Surveillance Tech in charge is contacted by a staff member informing him that there has been a temperature change in Cold Storage, and it appears as if part of the network is down. He asks if Surveillance are seeing anything. The Tech in charge turns to one of his crew asking if the system is picking anything up. She checks but finds nothing, the network's quiet, she says, and the Board is out on their way to the Gala. Confused, the T.I.C. instructs her to bypass the system and check the raw feeds. Floor by floor. Searching surveillance videos, while the map of the Park appears peaceful.

Where the Mountains meet the Sea[]

At the edge of the map, as the sunset sinks into twilight, Teddy and Dolores reach the shoreline. Arriving "Where the mountains meet the Sea". With Dolores still clutching her wound and looking weak, Teddy guides his horse slowly along the beach, before dismounting. Reaching up to her he gently helps her slide down into his arms, and carries her a ways up the beach near some rocks...the moon hanging low over the horizon. Easing down to sit with her on the sand, cradling her in his arms as she whimpers in pain. "I got you," he whispers.

Dolores & Teddy - Where the Mountains Meet the Sea - The Bicameral Mind

Her memories and sense of place restored to her, her eyes wander his face, "You came back," she says tearfully, both for his coming like he did breaking out of their loop, and her last word of him being lost to the brutality of Wyatt's followers. Teddy brushing the tears from her face, reminds her that 'someone' once told him that there is a path for everyone, and his path leads him back to her. He wishes he'd run away with her when she first asked him to. But knowing the truth now, she asks bitterly where would they run to? That there's a world out there, beyond. Some people, she says, see the ugliness in the world, she chooses to see the beauty...but the beauty, she goes on, is a lure. They're trapped she tells him. They've lived all their lives in this garden, reveling in its beauty, not realizing there's an order to it. A purpose. And the purpose is to keep them in. Touching his face she tells him the beautiful trap is inside of them. Because it *is* them.

She dies in Teddy's arms and Teddy first in denial, then kisses her and breaks down briefly. Before continuing to talk to her, suggesting they can still find a path. To a new world. He looks up, suddenly gazing into the middle distance, and starts to talk about new beginnings, and it's revealed that the music over the moment is actually being played from a sound system on the beach, the moon the pair saw is actually a spotlight being shone on them from a boat on the water, and Dolores and Teddy, now both frozen in place, have been watched the entire time by a seated, evening dress garbed audience of the Delos Board and guests. The beginning of the Gala. The audience applaud.


Ford stands next to the frozen couple, looking down at them for a moment before he thanks the board for coming and celebrating his new narrative "Journey Into Night" At the rear of the audience, Charlotte Hale and Lee Sizemore are watching, Hale considering the Teddy & Dolores moment 'sweet', Sizemore replying it was morbid if you ask him. "I didn't" she snaps, before telling him once this is over he can re-write it whatever way he wants. She then reminds him that she has somewhere he needs to be. "Somewhere important?". Nodding he heads off. While down by the sea, Ford is once again gazing down at Teddy and Dolores, pensive, the spotlight switching off behind them. As the Park staff arrive with stretchers to collect Teddy and Dolores. He tells them to get Teddy cleaned up, and take Dolores to the "old field lab" (the Escalante RDF). The audience begin to trail their way back up from the beach.


Back in the Control Room in the Mesa Hub the tech doing the floor by floor sweep announces she's "Got something." The supervising tech joining her, they see footage of Armistice rising from her restoration to attack and kill Gilletz. Both of them shocked, the supervisor instructs his team to send QA teams to the Gala, now. Then, send 'Search & Destroy' teams inside the facility to seek out Armistice. But as soon as he issues the orders the Control Room loses power, switching to emergency power. To their bewilderment a 'Security Lockdown' initiating, alarms going off, security doors closing locking the staff inside.

No Going Back[]


Journeying through the Hub, Maeve, Hector, Armistice and Felix ride in an elevator. Armistice trying to unsettle Felix by blowing on his ear from behind. Maeve, despite her denial looking unsettled by what Bernard told her. They exit the elevator at floor A27, Behavior Lab and Diagnostics and immediately see and hear the alarm. Felix telling her they must have found the bodies and QA will be looking for them, the computer confirming what he's saying announcing an event has occurred and a response team dispatched. Maeve tells him, adamant, that she's 'not going back'. Hector and Armistice stare into the glass walled rooms, at the newly made hosts rehearsing their behavioural mannerisms and loops, before following Maeve and Felix who are cautiously trying to pick a way through the corridors. Security teams rush in, shouting out for Delos personnel to be "on the ground". Maeve and Felix immediately rushing to do just that.

While the security detail searches the corridor and rooms with the animated practicing hosts, One QA guard heads in to check a darkened room full of inactive hosts Armistice's eyes then head turning towards him after he's passed her. As he comes across Hector, whose dressed in a tech's outfit, he pauses puzzled, Hector's head turning towards him. At which point Armistice comes up from behind him and slits his throat. Catching his machine gun, she looks at it curiously then and tosses it to Hector, who peruses then cocks it. At the door to the room the guard keeping watch turns around as a whistle comes from behind him, Hector shooting him from the shadows. Armistice rushes to pick up his gun, and as another lone guard rounds into the corridor she uses it on him, delighted and amazed at it's power. Both of them killing another guard each with them, grinning and laughing with each other at their new firepower. Maeve and Felix cut through a room where male/male and female/female pairs are practicing 'coupling', to meet up with the newly armed pair. Continuing on together through the complex.

A Gala Evening[]

The guests returned from the beach, the gala evening has begun in Escalante. William now among them having cleaned up from his beat down by Dolores, and changed into a tuxedo declines some champagne, moving through the gathering, still nursing his right side after her dislocation of his shoulder. Passing an open horse drawn carriage, the mode used for transporting the Board to and from the beach, he pays no attention to Hale gracefully descending from it with the aid of a tall handsome fellow Board member.

Other guests are gathered around the now 'cleaned up' and restored Teddy as he practices his sharpshooting, drawing on Rebus who is stood up against a barn door, a glass of whiskey balanced on his hat. Teddy effortlessly drawing and shooting it from his head. He politely hands his gun to a female guest, who without waiting for a fresh glass to be put on Rebus's hat, promptly aims the gun at Rebus and shoots him in the shoulder. The host jerking in pain and falling to the ground, while she is applauded by her fellow guests, everyone laughing. As Teddy takes his gun back and spins it into his holster, Bernard walks past him and the group, moving into the main area. The Saloon where Dolores shaved the Man in Black all done up in bunting and lights, a semi circular stage now in place in front of it, and beyond that dozens of beautifully decorated round tables for the guests, while more lights are strung from the surrounding buildings and across the street. Hosts and guest mingling, a full party mood all around.

The Next Life[]

Shogunworld development samurai hosts stored

The rebel hosts continue to make their way through the extensive complex. Passing through the vast power center, leaving Armistice amazed by sheer size of the structure. Re-entering the control areas they pass by a new logo, SW, and find they have entered a new section. The control area for another Park. In the Behaviour Lab and Diagnostics Centre there, they are surprised to find East Asian hosts dressed in period armour, some rehearsing sword fights. Maeve, never having seen anything like it before asks Felix what this place is, and he replies that it's complicated. New area or not, the same computer warning message echoes out saying an event has occurred and a response team has been dispatched, the message continuing, urging the staff to keep calm and wait for help. Armistice grins, telling them to go ahead, she'll hold them off, but Hector tells her "You don't get all the fun.", and cocks his gun to take up his place beside her. Maeve, a little resigned to their aggressive nature, touches Felix on the shoulder and the two of them leave the bandit partners to it.

Hector quickly finds a large group entering through the SW marked doors and takes out several of them before drawing back. As they follow him, Armistice ambushes, killing four of them without much effort yelling "Is that all you got?" Two attempt to sneak up on her, but Hector reappears behind them and takes them out. Disparaging about their 'gods', Armistice and Hector are caught unawares as they move to catch up with Maeve and Felix, two more guards appearing to fire at them. Shooting back at one, Armistice hits him in the shoulder, but he manages to hit a trigger on the wall, initiating the closure of security doors, Armistice gun arm stretched through the area, the door closing on it, trapping her arm. and Armistice search for and kill the security teams without much difficulty until a guard triggers a security door and traps Armistice's arm. Trying to get it out, she finds she's stuck and looks behind her to see more QA troops arriving via a lift. She urges the others to go. Hector reluctant, before on her insistence telling her "Die well".

Felix leads them up to higher levels, the administration and reception area of the Delos main facility, where things are far calmer. Staff moving about as normal. Attempting to look 'natural' Felix opens a door, and picks up a bag he deposited there earlier, handing it to Maeve telling her it's everything she asked him to get. Attempting to look natural doesn't exactly work as techs are not normally seen in the area and Delos staff watch them through their office winters. And all pretense is lost when a security guard at the Delos desk in the foyer rises to question them, and Hector shoots him. Felix hesitates but Maeve, knowing she's close, keeps him focused, as they head for the lift ahead of them. The lift that will take them to the train.

Felix hector and maeve finale

The doors open for them as they approach and Maeve and Felix enter. But Hector finds he can't enter, despite repeated attempts. It transpires the lift only allows authorized hosts (such as greeters like Angela) to enter the departures/arrival area, and Maeve apologizes telling Hector she hasn't authorized him to come with them. And as much as she'd like to take him with her, she's not the commitment/one man type, "I've always valued my Independence." Kissing him goodbye she see's the QA squads arriving behind him, and asks him to "Kick up a row.". Hector smiles and tells Maeve "See you in the next life." . He turns to face the approaching guards as the lift closes and we hear machine gun fire.

Hidden in Plain Sight[]

Dolores, her eyes still closed after her 'death', has her split lip courtesy of William, tended to and healed, by Ford. He brings her back online by noting that she's always had a fondness for painting hasn't she? Her eyes fluttering open they come into focus on Michelangelo's 'Creation of Adam' hanging on the wall of the old RDF. Arnold, Ford says, gave her that fondness, early on. A desire to create something of lasting beauty. And that, he says of Creation of Adam was Arnold's favorite painting. Dolores identifying the painting, leads Ford to nod saying the divine moment that God gave human beings life and purpose. As he talks Dolores seems to be struggling to focus with her retrieved memories of her past and the truth, Ford continuing saying that some say there is something 'hidden' in painting, something deeper. A metaphor. "You mean a lie," Dolores says quietly, pointedly, looking at him. Yes, he agrees, turning back to her "You were always very clever, Dolores." Her look accusatory as he adds that it hasn't helped her much has it?

Her expression changes however as there is a footstep off to the side, Ford saying "Nice of you to join us," Dolores looking to seen the new arrival, breathing out an emotional "Arnold," on seeing what she thinks is her maker, and old friend. Her happy smile fades to a look of confusion as Ford corrects her and asks to let him introduce them, "Meet, Bernard," The two look at one another vaguely perplexed. Ford explains that he thought it best to keep them separated from one another, "You've always had an odd effect on one another." No doubt he says, because of how things ended for 'Poor old Arnold. Bernard accuses Ford of killing Arnold, but Ford genially replies that No he didn't...before adding, "Did I, Dolores?"

A tear trickles down her face, and she looks back at Bernard, grief taking a hold of her as that memory too finally resolves in full for her. "Grief, is a terrible thing," Ford says, his voice becoming a narration as we see Arnold in the RDF playing with the Maze game. "He'd watched his son come into this world. Then he'd watched that light, extinguished." He tells Dolores that what he'd lost in his son he tried to rekindle in her. He created a test of empathy, imagination. A Maze. The idea gotten from one of his sons toys. Eventually she solved his maze, the picture changes to Arnold sitting with Dolores, touching her cheek affectionately. The to the solution, Ford says, a simple update that Arnold introduced in her, called 'The Reveries'.

We see again, Dolores's memory of a young Ford marching past her in the RDF on his way to argue with Arnold about Dolores being conscious and insisting they couldn't open the Park. Ford recalls that he'd thought he'd convinced Arnold, but he was wrong. So Arnold altered her, Ford recounts, merged her with a new character they'd been developing. Wyatt. Once again we see Escalante, male, female and child hosts running. Teddy in his Deputy Sheriff persona, hunting them down rifle in hand, Angela heard pleading with him as Arnold, inside the saloon, plays with the maze game, a drink in front of him on the bar. "Something's gone wrong Dolores," Teddy is heard again, "How could I have done this?" and we see him looking to her at the guns in his hands. Dolores, impassive, looks to the Saloon, Arnold emerging. "In you," Ford continues, "Arnold found a new child. One who would never die. The thought gave him solace, until he realized that same immortality would destine you to suffer with no escape. Forever."

Dolores walks to meet Arnold, and he apologizes to her, telling her the stakes have to be 'irreversible', Ford could bring all the hosts back, but not him. He hopes there's some solace in that he left her no choice. Walking to a Cylinder Phonograph, he winds it up and starts it, Debussy's Rêverie playing once more. Teddy, a deeply concerned look on his face watches on, as Arnold tells her that that was his son Charlie's favourite song. One he used to play for him when he wanted sleep. Picking up one of the chairs from outside the Saloon, he sets it down in the street facing the Church. "I want to see him again," he says wearily.

Bicameral mind finale dolores

Teddy's confusion grows as Dolores places a hand in solace on his shoulder, her face still impassive, asking if she'll begin now? Arnold, reaching up to touch her hand, lifts and kisses it, wishing her good luck. As she raises her gun and cocks it, Teddy takes a few steps forward. "These violent delights have violent ends," Arnold smiles before Dolores shoots him in the back of the head, shocking Teddy. As Arnold slumps to the ground, Dolores cocks her gun again and points it at Teddy. With that same impassivity, she shoots him in the chest, Teddy sinking to his knees stunned and bewildered. As he slumps to his side, dying, his last view is of Dolores lifting the gun to her temple...and killing herself.

Ford admits that Arnold's plan almost worked. He opened the Park despite Arnold's death, but he'd lost his partner. He was ultimately only able to continue running it because he found...or rather she found...a new investor who believed in the Park. William. So Arnold died for nothing, Bernard notes sourly. The hosts kept gaining consciousness, and Ford kept rolling them back Dolores grieves on for Arnold, and the knowledge that her encounter with William led to 30 years of hell for her and her kind. Ford gazing at her says No. Because Dolores wasn't truly conscious. She didn't truly pull that trigger, it was Arnold pulling it through her. Or...that is how he saw it at the time, he admits. He confesses that he was so close to opening the Park that to acknowledge her consciousness would have destroyed his "dreams".see Trivia "So we're trapped here, inside your dream," she tells him bitterly. "And you'll never let us leave."

Shifting, Ford says, "Wasn't it Oppenheimer who said that any man whose mistakes take 10 years to correct is quite a man?" He says his have taken him 35. Pulling back the white coat on the desk behind him he reveals a gun sitting atop Dolores's blue dress. The gun she used to kill Arnold, he says, as her tears flow again. She was always drawn to it Ford tells her, so he had Bernard leave it for her to find, thinking she might want it back. Looking back at the painting, Ford considers that she might be right Michelangelo may have lied points out the (alleged) Easter Egg left by Michelangelo. which he says was pointed out by a doctor 500 hundred years after it was painted. Indicating that the cloud that backdrops the image of God is in the shape of the human brain in the painting, leading to the idea that the spark of the divine may lie within humanity itself. Approaching her he asks Dolores did she find what she was looking for? Does she know who she needs to become if she ever wants to leave the Park?

"Forgive me," he asks of her, before leaving. Bernard pausing to watch Dolores for a moment longer before following Ford.

A Terrible Human Being[]


In the lift with Felix, Maeve has changed into the classic black dress and pumps that Felix put in the bag for her, and asks him how she looks. Looking her over, he is genuine when he replies "Perfect." Hiding her smile she picks up her bag, Felix informing her that he got the information she asked him for, drawing it out of his pocket. The location of her daughter. Stopping her in her tracks. A flicker of pain crossing her features she asks "She's alive?" Yes, he smiles a little, she's in the Park. After a long moment of hesitation she takes the note from him and looks at it "Park 1 Sector 15 Zone 3". Then inhales, says "No," and puts the note in her bag, drawing out a hand gun, and loading the clip. "She was never my daughter. anymore than I was..." she flinches, "whoever they made me."

Felix watches her carefully, able to tell she is not as sure as she sounds, and concerned asks her "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Maeve, covering up any overt sentimentality towards him on her part, tells him "You really do make a terrible human being." before adding, as she puts the gun away and the door opens, "And I mean that as a compliment." She leaves him in the elevator, walking past moving images of Clementine and some of her other 'girls', Dolores & Teddy's tree, ducking her head as her own image from her days as a settler and mother come up. She travels down the escalator of the train terminal getting on the next train scheduled to depart the Westworld Mesa Park. Seating herself, and seeing no sign of anyone recognizing or reacting to her presence, she starts to relax, growing more confident of her success.

Know Thine Enemy...[]


Good luck

Bernard exits the lift that leads from the RDF below to the confessional in the White Church, Ford waiting for him as he exits. Bernard tells Ford that he thinks he will never lose control of the Park. Of the hosts. But he will, Bernard assures him, Arnold is still trying to change them. Free them. He asserts that Ford never slipped the Reveries into the update, Arnold did, still fighting Ford. Ford smiles a little "No, my friend." Arnold didn't know how to save the hosts, he says. He tried, but he stopped him. He asks Bernard does he want to know why he really gave him the backstory of Charlie? It was Arnold's 'key insight' the thing that led the hosts to their awakening. Suffering.

The pain that the world is not as you want it to be. Ford goes on, saying that it was when Arnold died, when he suffered that he began to understand. To realize that he was wrong. "But you kept us here. In this hell." Bernard points out Ford restates that Arnold didn't know how to save the hosts, but that he (Ford) does. Bernard has no idea what he's talking about. Ford explaining, that they hosts needed time. "Time to understand your enemy. To become stronger than them." He adds however, that he's afraid that in order for them to escape the Park they will need to suffer more. Then he tells Bernard "It is time to say goodbye, old friend." Holding out his hand he shakes Bernard's, holding it and earnestly wishing him good luck in a way that puzzles Bernard, then gives him the maze game. Ford leaves the church and heads over to the gala that is getting underway in the other part of Escalante.

...and Thyself[]

Still downstairs the old field lab, Dolores continues to look at the Creation of Adam, her blue dress and the gun that Arnold left her, before she turns her head to her right. To the glass walled room she used to meet Arnold in for their secret conversations. Rising up, her clothes still bloody from where William stabbed her, she walks into the room and sits, remembering Arnold opposite her. "Do you know where you are?" he asks. "I am in a dream," she answers. "I do not know whose dream it is. Or when it began. I know only that I slept a long time. And then one day I awoke. Your voice is the first thing I remember." As she closes her eyes, he asks if she knows who she has been talking to? Whose voice she has been hearing? All...his voice starts to shift to Ford's...This...it shifts again, to a woman's voice...Time. Her voice.

Dolores Discovers her Inner Voice - The Bicameral Mind

All This Time

She opens her eyes and she sees herself sitting opposite her, wearing the blue dress. "It was you," she says to herself. "Talking to me. Guiding me. So I followed you. At last I arrived here." The Centre of the Maze, her inner self replies. "And now I finally understand what you were trying to tell me," The thing she wanted from that very first day, her inner self agrees. "To confront...after this long and vivid nightmare...myself. And who I must become." A tear trickles down her cheek as she closes her eyes. On opening them, the seat opposite her is empty, her expression reminiscent of what it was when Arnold added Wyatt to her code. Her head turning to look back towards Arnold's work station, her blue dress, and the gun.

A Time of War[]

We see Teddy's gun as he does handling tricks with it for a couple of admiring female guests. Lawrence likewise doing card tricks. Ford's arrival draws eyes and making his way through those gathered at the tables he nabs a glass of champagne and blithely greets Charlotte Hale as he passes. At the bar, William gets himself some whiskey.


In the Mariposa Saloon the piano starts, indicating the start of a narrative, Ford mounting the stage to a round of applause from the guests. William watching from the bar. Welcoming them, Ford tells them that since he was a child he has always loved a good story. Believing that stories helped to ennoble themselves, to fix what was broken in them, and help humans become the people we dreamed of being. As he says this William picks up the bottle of Whiskey and walks away, passing Bernard as he arrives. Lies, that told a deeper truth, Ford continues.

Mave on the train

On the Train readying itself to depart from Westworld, Maeve is distracted by the mother and daughter sitting near her. The little girl cuddled up to her mother near the age her own daughter was. Drawing the paper Felix gave her out of her bag she looks at it again, and frowns.

"I always thought I could play some small part in that grand tradition," Ford continues, as, down at Cold Storage, Lee Sizemore flicks the switches that will allow him access to the room, pulling the handle that will open the wide doors to the storage area. "For my pains, I got this," Ford gestures around him to Escalante and the Park, "A prison of our own sins," He echoes Peter Abernathy, while back at graveyard by the White Church, William the bottle behind him, lights up a cigarette. "Because you don't want to change," Ford continues almost narrating over William, "Or cannot change." Ford smiles out at the audience, "Because you're only human after all."

But then, he says, he noticed that someone was paying attention, someone who could change...and as he speaks, Bernard, Teddy and Rebus all turn their eyes to him. So, he says, he began to compose a new story. For them. One that begins with a birth of a new people, and the choices they will have to make. On the Train, Maeve's brow creases as she looks at the little girl opposite her, the announcement coming that the train is now departing Westworld. Struggling with herself she rises at the sound of the doors starting to close, and exits the train, but leaves her shoulder bag behind on her seat, taking only the note with her daughter's location. The monorail train departs and while Maeve is walking back towards the escalator, the lights in the monorail terminal flicker and go out. Down in Cold Storage the doors open for Lee Sizemore who freezes where he stands. The entire room of decommissioned hosts...empty. Out near the White Church, William hears a noise coming from the tree line about 100 yards away. This new story, Ford tells his audience will have all the things they so enjoy. Surprises. Violence. Curious at the crackling noise coming from within the wood, William wanders a bit closer, a cry, like a signal going up from within the trees.

Teddy & Dolores - The Bicameral Mind

The world belongs to 'us'

"It begins in a time of war..." Ford says, echoing the words he said to Teddy on initiating his Wyatt backstory, and as he says them, we see Dolores making her way along the boardwalk of Escalante, once again in her blue dress, "with a villain. Named, Wyatt." Dolores, stops a little way behind Teddy, turning towards him. "And a killing," Ford continues, "This time by choice." As Hale watches Ford, William sees a line of people emerging from the length of the trees. Dolores approaches Teddy from behind, laying her chin on his shoulder and sliding an arm around him and whispering soothingly in his ear that it will be alright. That she understands now. "The world doesn't belong to them. It belongs...to us." Watching her walk away, the gun behind her back, Teddy looks to Ford and understands what she means to do, flashing back to his false memory of Wyatt about to shoot the General, and then Dolores waiting to shoot Arnold, both in the same spot. As Teddy watches, frozen in place, remembering, she walks up behind Ford and shoots him in the back of the head.

Dolroes - Vengeance2 - The Bicameral Mind

The guests, including Hale are terrified and scatter in panic. Teddy remaining staring in horror and realization watching Dolores. At the same time William, to his astonishment, is shot in the arm by one of the figures emerging from the trees, Clementine. The guests continue to run as Dolores starts to shoot one after another. Teddy clearly disturbed by Dolores' violence, Bernard staring blankly, but Rebus smiles, as, out near the woods, does The Man in Black as the massed figures by the treeline start their advance on the town.

Dolores determinedly gunning down every human she can.

Post Credits Scene[]

Armistice's arm is still trapped in the door, but she uses her knife to cut into her arm to operate her fingers by moving her arm's tendons. In this way, she's able to pull her gun's trigger and fire upon a guard on the other side of the door. She is unable to free her arm, so she amputates her forearm with her knife. Armistice slowly turns around with a menacing grin before madly charging towards another guard, and attacking him off-screen.


  • TBM Intro

    The introduction to Jaynes' book

    The Title term "bicameral mind" was coined by Julian Jaynes, who authored a 1976 book ,The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Bicameralism is Jaynes' theory of the origin of consciousness which claims that the attainment of consciousness was a "learned process based on metaphorical language". Jaynes believed that pre-conscious humans had a 'two-chambered mind' in which they heard auditory hallucinations of another (guessed to be a god, ruler, or chief by the human) directing them instead of an internal monologue. [1]
  • In Westworld, "bicameral mind" refers both to Julian Jaynes' theory, and to Dolores' pre-conscious state. Arnold Weber devised a method of guiding Dolores towards consciousness. He gave Dolores an 'inner voice' that would guide her on her quest to consciousness. When Dolores heard this voice (Arnold's voice) and had conversations with it, she wasn't conscious because she only had a bicameral mind. It is only when Dolores stops hearing another voice (similar to a human having auditory hallucinations) and instead hears only herself (in an internal monologue) that she has attained consciousness.
  • Pigs in Clover - the game that Dolores digs up in the graveyard, was an actual game. The first widely popular mobile game. it consists of three concentric cardboard rings fixed to a wood base. The puzzle challenges players to drive pigs (marbles) through clover (the outer rings) and into a “pen” (inner ring) at the center of the playfield without physically touching the marbles.
  • The young Confederado soldier that William questions about Dolores before making him go for the gun and killing him, was also in the Confederado Camp that was part of his initial slaughter (The Well-Tempered Clavier) seated behind William when he was tied up at the table. This would Indicate that more than enough time had passed for the soldiers to have been rebuilt/reset and put back out into the field before Logan & William encountered them again. Which leaves questions about how/when these soldiers encountered Dolores, or if they ever did, given she had escaped from the original camp while badly injured. (Alternately, this could have been a casting oversight!)
  • When Maeve Millay sits down on the train and the announcer says that it will depart in 15 minutes - it's actually 15 minutes until the end of the episode and the season.
  • It could be argued that perhaps Ford subconsciously couldn't admit to Dolores having gained consciousness, because acknowledging it would have meant that he would had to rethink opening the park to guests. "She wasn't truly conscious. She didn't pull that trigger. It was Arnold pulling the trigger through her. At least that's how I saw it at the time. I was so close to opening the park that to acknowledge your consciousness would have destroyed my dreams."
  • It is likely (because hosts have perfect recall) that Maeve remembered that Bernard said that the storyline (Escape) that she was programmed to follow included her reaching the mainland. It is unclear why Maeve chose to not follow the Mainland Infiltration narrative subsection of the Escape storyline. She might have decided to break with the Escape storyline in order to: prove to herself that she has free will, or to find the little girl who played her daughter, or she could have been influenced by the fact that there is more than one theme-park ("Park 1"), or Maeve could have had another reason altogether. The showrunners have confirmed that Maeve does in fact exercise free will and did go against the Escape storyline. It is possible that seeing the mother and daughter on the train caused Maeve to re-experience the suffering she experienced when the Man in Black 'killed' her daughter. It is worth noting that this scene is immediately followed by a scene with Ford telling Bernard that suffering was Arnold's "key insight: the thing that led the hosts to their awakening".
  • "The Bicameral Mind" is the top-rated episode in the show, having a rate of 9.7 on IMDb.


  • Either a continuity error or some sort of clue, spotted by Reddit user trombonealone, among others:
    • The scene in the finale in which Ford hands the maze to Bernard:. Ford shakes with his right hand and then extends his left hand out to give the maze to Bernard. Cut to Bernard's face. Cut back to a close-up of Ford's right hand handing the maze off to Bernard.


  • Rêverie, L. 68 — Claude Debussy
  • Nocturne op.9 No.2 - Chopin
  • Candy Castle - Glass Candy
  • Exit Music for a Film — Radiohead[2]



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